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Artist: Nagual     Album: Italocarioca     Label: Caligola Records     Code: Caligola 2313


  • Italocarioca

  • Nagual

  • 29 July 2022

  • Caligola 2313

  • 8033433293130

  • Digital, Jazzos, Caligola Records

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 1191

  • Today views : 1

  • Created on : 28 June 2022

  • Total songs : 12

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Caligola Records

Press Release

«Italocarioca» is the fourth album as leader by Venetian saxophonist Nagual, alias Giovanni Ancorato, the third one released through Caligola after «Quintessenze» and the recent «Sketches» (between those works, «Private Dancer» was released through Alfa Music). The album is an excellent blend of MPB and jazz, almost an attempt to revive Getz, Gilberto and Jobim’s bossa nova with instruments only. The work also expresses Nagual’s genuine love for Brazilian musical heritage which had already surfaced in various tracks on «Sketches». It’s a tribute to Brazil with attention to every detail, including the musicians chosen to create a solid, close–knit group. It’s priceless the support given by versatile, creative pianist Paolo Vianello, guitarist Stefano Scutari, a Venetian as well – his cavaquinho in the joyous final track Yoyo is remarkable – as well by a wonderful couple, the “Brazilians of Italy” Paolo Andriolo – among other things, he’s bassist in the trio of singer Bianca Gismonti, daughter of celebrated Egberto – and Roberto Rossi, perhaps the most sought–after Italian percussionist in this musical genre. The quintet plays in harmony with the leader who puts aside the soprano sax on this album and only plays tenor sax, highlighting a deep, yet soft and delicate sound. In the excellent cantabile Carnaval’s theme, Nagual even seems to pay a tribute to Gato Barbieri, a relevant inspiration for his generation, and today unfairly overlooked by most young saxophonists. Certain lyrical, refined ballads like Criança, Shambala, Carrosel and the nostalgic Se are imbued with bossa nova and Stan Getz’s presence. In the hard bop track Daimon, instead, one can feel the modal Coltrane of the early Sixties. Besides Alba and the previously mentioned Yoyo, Rio too, with its joyful atmosphere and fresh catchiness which reminds Metheny’s style, helps make «Italocarioca» a varied, pleasant album to enjoy with no preclusion from beginning to end.


Track List

01) Carnaval
02) Crianca

03) Alba
04) Shambala

05) Daimon

06) Carrosel

07) Bituca
08) Sadhana
09) Rio
10) Se
11) Tangram
12) Yoyo

All music  composed and arranged by Nagual (Giovanni Ancorato)


Nagual (tenor sax)
Stefano Scutari (guitar, cavaquinho)

Paolo Vianello (piano)
Paolo Andriolo (bass)

Roberto Rossi
(drums, percussion)

Recording Data

Recorded and mixed in October 2021 at Artesuono Recording Studios, Cavalicco (Udine), by Stefano Amerio.


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