Artist: Marco Pacassoni 4et Album: Happiness Label: AlfaMusic Code: AFMCD172
Marco Pacassoni 4et
24 November 2014
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Created on : 07 November 2014
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From: AlfaMusic
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Press Release
HAPPINESS - Marco PacassoniQuartet
Marco Pacassoni vibes and marimba
Enzo Bocciero piano and keyboards
Lorenzo De Angeli semi-acoustic bass
Matteo Pantaleoni drums and percussions
Special guest Michel Camilo piano,marco-pacassoni-quartet.html
I had a great time recording this piece in Duo format with Marco, especially since he wrote this song dedicated to me! Marco Pacassoni is a talented musician who has a unique voice on his instrument and a fresh sound in his compositions. I believe he has a bright future in the Jazz world.
Michel Camilo
“Happiness” segna una tappa importante nel viaggio dell’invenzione musicale di Marco Pacassoni, maestro italiano di vibrafono e marimba. Si, “Happiness” è un album fusion in cui racchiude tutte le sue influenze ed esperienze musicali, filtrate attraverso eventi della sua vita privata ed il tutto miscelato per creare nove pezzi in cui il vibrafono e la marimba invitano l’ascoltatore a scoprire alcuni dei segreti nascosti di questi bellissimi strumenti. Ma “Happiness” è anche un viaggio attraverso i generi musicali, miscelati con maestrìa e sempre singolarmente individuabili, che utilizza la melodia come spirito guida. A parte l’esecuzione magistrale, queste composizioni originali parlano un linguaggio che può essere compreso da tutti coloro che amano la buona musica. Il pianista compositore, e vincitore di un “Grammy Award”, Michel Camilo è senza dubbio il testimone della crescente maturità del trentenne fanese Marco Pacassoni, nel loro bellissimo duetto “Michel”. Curiosamente “Michel” è un brano che Marco Pacassoni aveva scritto anni fa e dedicato proprio a Michel Camilo; questo album gli ha finalmente dato l’occasione per eseguirlo insieme a lui.
“Happiness” è stato registrato in due giorni, suonato “live in studio” ed alterna improvvisazione totale a complesse partiture. E' un chiaro punto di svolta, di quelli che aprono molte nuove possibilità per il Marco Pacassoni Quartet che con questo lavoro si afferma come uno dei gruppi più interessanti della scena musicale contemporanea italiana.
John McCubbery
This album “Happiness” marks an important stage in the musical voyage of discovery for Marco Pacassoni, the Italian Vibe and Marimba maestro. Yes, “Happiness” is a fusion album encompassing his musical influences and experiences filtered through personal events in his life, all blended together to create nine pieces in which Vibes and Marimba invite the listener to discover some of the hidden secrets of these two beautiful instruments. But “Happiness” is also a journey through musical genres, skilfully blended but each still clearly detectable using melody as the guiding light. Behind the masterful playing, these original compositions speak in a language that can be understood by all who love music.
The Marco Pacassoni Quartet is not a traditional jazz quartet, even though the language of jazz shines through each piece they play. This quartet exists in the classical meaning of a quartet: an ensemble of four musicians who play music written for the four instruments. Of course the musicians are free to express themselves but in the context of solid and sophisticated arrangements.
Grammy Award winning pianist and composer Michael Camilo is witness to the growing maturity of Fano native Marco Pacassoni who is still only 30 years old, as they perform the beautiful duet “Michel”. Interestingly “Michel” was written several years ago by Marco Pacassoni and dedicated to Michel Camilo. This album finally gave them the chance to perform together.
“Happiness” was recorded over two days, almost completely played live in the studio and alternating between full improvisation and working around completely written pieces. It is a clear turning point, one that leads to many new possibilities for the Marco Pacassoni Quartet, now clearly asserting itself as one of the most interesting groups in the Italian contemporary music scene.
John McCubbery
Track List
1 Two Shades of Happiness 3.53
2 Metropolis 4.44
3 On the Riverside 3.58
4 Lullaby for Blondie 5.09
5 Michel 8.06
6 Driving South 4.15
7 Mimu 5.50
8 Memory Tricks 3.51
9 Mi Concede un Ballo? 4.25
Total Time 44.15
All Music composed by Marco Pacassoni except 2 and 7
by Enzo Bocciero
Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae) except ???
by R.T.I. Music
Marco Pacassoni vibes and marimba
Enzo Bocciero piano and keyboards
Lorenzo De Angeli semi-acoustic bass
Matteo Pantaleoni drums and percussions
Special guest
Michel Camilo piano on “Michel”
Produced by
Marco Pacassoni for AlfaMusic Label&Publishing
Production supervision
Fabrizio Salvatore (AlfaMusic)
Artist website:
Michel Camilo appears courtesy
of Redondo Music and OKeh (Sony Music)
Recording Data
Recorded and mixed at Lunik Studio (Pesaro, Italy) by Davide “Red”
Battistelli except for Michel recorded and mixed at Casa Limon Studio (Madrid, Spain) by Salomé Limon
Mastered by Gene Paul at G&J Audio Studio (New York, Usa)
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