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Artist: Pasquale Paterra     Album: Images     Label: Caligola Records     Code: Caligola 2324


  • Images

  • Pasquale Paterra

  • 03 March 2023

  • Caligola 2324

  • 8033433293246

  • Digital, Jazzos, Caligola Records

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 1269

  • Today views : 4

  • Created on : 07 February 2023

  • Total songs : 11

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Caligola Records

Press Release

Pasquale Paterra, born in 1984, after classical studies at the Conservatory of Pescara first, and then Ferrara, follows his love for Afro-American music enrolling in the Rovigo Jazz Department, where he obtained a degree under the guidance of Marco Tamburini, trumpeter who still remains one of his most important landmarks. After many and important professional experiences, now close to 40 years, Paterra finally decides to change the point with an album on the state of his artistic evolution. The result is excellent, as it is at the head of an atypical but close-knit trio, a “bassless” trio, completed by guitarist Giovanni Bertelli, whom he met during his studies in Rovigo, and drummer Fausto Negrelli. A choice that may seem strange for those who, like him, a decade ago had brought to light with a “drumless” trio, always supported by the guitar of Bertelli, inspired by one of his main idols, Chet Baker. The trio arrives after a few years of break-in at this important recording session, and presents all compositions by the trumpet player from Abruzzo, which are characterized by the beauty and linearity of the melodic lines. Even when improvisation seems to take the most tortuous paths it remains simple and direct, able to involve the listener. "Images" benefits from the creative and effective contribution, in four of the eleven tracks, offered by the excellent trombonist  Federico Pierantoni, able to make the dynamics of the band even more exciting. In summary: a very successful and convincing debut album!




Track List

01) Contrasti
02) Sogno
03) Positive Vibes
04) Images
05) P.f.C.o.S.
06) Something About You
07) A Big Family
08) Stars
09) Walking with My Father
10) Tiny Song
11) Sloping Houses

All compositions by Pasquale Paterra



Pasquale Paterra (trumpet, flugelhorn, effects)
Giovanni Bertelli (electric guitar)
Fausto Negrelli (drums)

special guest:
Federico Pierantoni (trombone) on tracks n° 2/3/7/8


Recording Data

Recorded in July and mixed in October 2022 at Deposito Zero Studios, Forlì, by Mattia “Matta” Dallara; analogic mastering in December at Digitalsound Studio, Vedelago (Treviso), by Walter Bertolo.



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