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Artist: Alberto Vianello     Album: From Different Views     Label: Caligola Records     Code: Caligola 2300

From Different Views

  • From Different Views

  • Alberto Vianello

  • 22 October 2021

  • Caligola 2300

  • 8033433293000

  • Digital, Jazzos, Caligola Records

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

No tracks downloadable for Guests

  • Total views : 1555

  • Today views : 1

  • Created on : 22 September 2021

  • Total songs : 8

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Caligola Records

Press Release

 There are those who, very young and fresh out of Conservatory, already think about their first album and those who, like Venetian saxophonist Alberto Vianello, born in 1975, get there after a long apprenticeship and more than twenty years of fruitful, consistent artistic growth developed playing both in orchestras – the decade–long work with Marcello Tonolo’s Thelonious Monk Big Band is significant – and small combos (with pianists Marco Ponchiroli in «Tammitu» and Tommaso Genovesi in «Open Spaces», both released through Caligola). We should also remember his involvement in the «Glauco Venier Plays Zappa» project and his experience as classical soloist in the saxophone ensemble of the Castelfranco Veneto Conservatory. And we omit mentioning the masterclasses, seminars, scholarships as well as his degrees and the many awards earned. In other words, the time was ripe to record his first album as leader that includes all original tunes composed over the last few years, which seem to filter out different styles, even though those songs strongly adhere to contemporary jazz, from Wayne Shorter to Chris Potter. Vianello recorded «From Different Views» after playing for two years with a solid and close–knit quartet, made of musicians – above all, his brother Paolo, a pianist as excellent as he is underrated, who is slightly older and introduced him to jazz – who are bound by chemistry. The impressive rhythmic drive played by Mattia Magatelli and Max Trabucco helps the saxophonist – who plays not only tenor, his favorite instrument, but also soprano and alto saxophones on this record – face even the trickiest, hardest melodies and harmonies with ease and always overcome obstacles in the best possible way. The eight tracks, each one of which is different from the other, all have more than one draw and should be listened to with the utmost attention. Here nothing, not even the boldest improvisations, is left to chance. It might be considered a late bloomer’s debut album, but one as well–done and meaningful as few others.

Track List

1) From Different Views
2) Monk Atmosphere
3) 20 Minutes to the Lydian Mode
4) Billy’s Mood  
5) Journey into the Mind

6) Nairobi

7) Behind the Corner

8) Funky Heads

All tunes composed by Alberto Vianello


Alberto Vianello (tenor, alto and soprano sax)
Paolo Vianello (piano, keyboards)
Mattia Magatelli (double bass)
Max Trabucco (batteria)

Recording Data

Recorded on 17th and 18th April, mixed and mastered on 1st June 2021, at Art Music Recording Studio, Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza), Italy, by Diego Piotto


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