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Artist: Sara Battaglini     Album: Vernal Love     Label: Auand     Code: AU6013

Vernal Love

  • Vernal Love

  • Sara Battaglini

  • 02 July 2021

  • AU6013

  • 8031697601326

  • Digital, Jazzos, Auand

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 1699

  • Today views : 1

  • Created on : 21 June 2021

  • Total songs : 7

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Auand

Press Release

Vernal Love è il nuovo progetto della cantante e compositrice Sara Battaglini, in uscita per Auand Records il 2 Luglio 2021.

Un progetto trasversale con un ensemble interamente toscano composto da sei elementi intrecciati in un delicato tessuto acustico ed elettronico. Le composizioni avvolte in un intimo magma denso e colorato, rimangono sospese tra leggerezza e amarezza, in equilibrio tra ciò che nella fragilità umana è sognante e assurdo.

Un progetto dedicato al concetto dell’assenza, intesa non solo come distanza e mancanza ma come stato, come “casa”. E’ una visione della vita fuori e dentro una bolla nella quale ci sentiamo protetti e imprigionati allo stesso tempo, in cui raggiungiamo il punto di maggiore distanza da ciò che ci circonda ma anche la profondità più intima e sensibile della nostra persona.

L'uscita di Vernal Love è anticipata dal primo estratto "Birdcage".

Dopo il debutto Dalia con una formazione in trio e collaborazioni come nel disco Text(US) degli Auanders, Sara Battaglini compone e arrangia il nuovo lavoro Vernal Love per una formazione allargata di sei musicisti dove oltre alla ritmica composta da Simone Graziano, Francesco Ponticelli e Bernardo Guerra, intreccia alla sua voce la timbrica di due fiati, il sax baritono e clarinetto basso di Beppe Scardino e la tromba e flicorno di Jacopo Fagioli.

La ricerca e l’attenzione sono rivolti verso un impasto sonoro avvolgente, ricco di diversi layer e ambienti sonori, con elementi di elettronica e timbriche acustiche sviluppati e lavorati con cura in una produzione in collaborazione con Francesco Ponticelli.
Vernal Love is Italian singer and songwriter Sara Battaglini’s new project.
A cross-cutting album, Vernal Love features six italian musicians (all from Tuscany) in a delicate electronic and acoustic sound fabric. Each composition, in an intimate yet dense mood, is suspended between lightness and bitterness, between what can be seen as dreamy and illogical in human vulnerability. 
Focused on the idea of absence – not only as distance or lack of something, but also as a status, like “home” – it’s a vision of life inside and outside the bubble that keeps us both safe and in chains. It’s where we reach the farthest point from what surrounds us, and the deepest sensibility towards ourselves.
It’s a place where we all know and identify the bizarre and conflicting aspects of ourselves, where we taste the uncanny silence of perfection that makes every shade bright.
It’s a hymn to balance, to love and hate, to bitterness and sweetness.
We spend our entire life hiding from a reality that we constantly try to reach. Again and again, we get out and then back in this haven that embraces us and wears us out, with no logic or distinction. We’re scared when we feel vulnerable, we’re scared when we feel free.
It’s two levels, one in and one out, one above and one below. A border area where you can’t go either up or down – there’s only silence, made up of the screams that we forget.
Tracks and lyrics simply narrate points of view, different yet indivisible. With variable shapes, these seven dialogues describe total and pure love that knows how to give, but also how to take.
After releasing her debut album (Dalia) with her trio, and collaborating in such projects as Auanders’ Text(us), Sara Battaglini writes and arranges her new album for an extended lineup: the rhythm section includes Simone Graziano, Francesco Ponticelli, and Bernardo Guerra, while Beppe Scardino is on baritone sax and bass clarinet, and Jacopo Fagioli is on trumpet and flugelhorn.
With an eye on a captivating, layered sound that reveals electronic and acoustic elements, the entire album soundscape has been developed and carefully crafted in collaboration with Francesco Ponticelli. 

Track List

1 Siren
2 Love Affair On The Moon
3 Birdcage
4 White
5 Am I Hysterical?
6 Dialogue
7 Eerie Day, For You.



Sara Battaglini - vocals
Simone Graziano - piano, synth
Francesco Ponticelli - bass
Bernardo Guerra - drums
Beppe Scardino - baritone sax, bass clarinet
Jacopo Fagioli - trumpet, flugelhorn
Federico Pierantoni - trombone

Recording Data

recorded in October 2020 at Cicaleto (Arezzo) by Stefano Bechini
mixed by Francesco Ponticelli at Cicaleto (Arezzo)
mastered by Tommy Bianchi

produced by Francesco Ponticelli and Sara Battaglini
executive producer: Marco Valente
cover photo by Niccolò Chimenti
artwork and design by Vieri Cervelli Montel

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