Artist: ENRICO PIERANUNZI Album: From always to now Label: AlfaMusic Code: AFMCD222
From always to now
13 September 2019
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Press Release
AlfaMusic presenta
FROM ALWAYS TO NOW Enrico Pieranunzi
Il secondo volume della collana ENRICO PIERANUNZI THE EARLY YEARS
under exclusive license by Edi-Pan
Enrico Pieranunzi piano
Bruno Tommaso bass
Roberto Gatto drums
Maurizio Giammarco tenor sax & soprano
except tracks 2 & 5
Dalle note di copertina:
Simili ai granelli di sabbia della clessidra che compariva nella copertina originale di From always to now innumerevoli, indistinguibili, inesorabili “now” si sono succeduti da quando, nel 1978, i nostri suoni furono registrati e fissati in quel vinile. I “now” di quei giorni contenevano anche alcune significative ‘prime volte’: per esempio il debutto discografico dell’allora ventenne Roberto Gatto o la prima registrazione in assoluto di Night bird, che avevo composto l’anno prima. Dopo averlo incluso in From always to now pensai di riprendere Night bird l’anno successivo in Soft journey, mia prima esperienza discografica con Chet Baker. Chet si innamoró di quel mio brano suonandolo e facendolo suonare in tutto il mondo. Cosí, grazie a lui, Night bird, riuscí a violare il dogma del decadimento e dell’oblío cui tutti i “now” devono per legge di natura sottostare e divenne, in poco tempo, un vero e proprio standard. Tra i tanti altri “now” in cui Night bird prolungó sé stesso uno molto particolare ed intenso, registrato in duo con Rosario Giuliani al sax contralto, é stato qui aggiunto come bonus track. Un “now” del passato che torna meritatamente al tempo presente o che forse, se si preferisce, ha viaggiato “da sempre a ora”.
Si dice comunemente che la vita per un uomo comincia a quarant’anni. Chissá se é vero anche per un disco di jazz. Me lo auguro naturalmente. Si realizzerebbe cosí infatti il sogno/illusione cui allude il grande poeta indiano Tagore in quei magnifici versi che avevo voluto riportare nel retro-copertina di From always to now:
"L'attimo passa, ma desidera che il suo nome rimanga,sino alla fine dei tempi”.
Enrico Pieranunzi
From the liner notes:
Like the grains of sand in the hour-glass shown on the original cover of From always to now, countless, indistinguishable and inexorable "nows" have slipped by since that day in 1978 when our sounds were first impressed on that vinyl disc. The "nows" of those far-off days also included some significant "firsts" like, for example, the recording debut of then-20-year-old Roberto Gatto and the first ever recording of Night bird, which I had composed a year earlier. After including Night bird on From always to now, I decided to repeat it the following year on Soft Journey, my first recording experience with Chet Baker. Chet fell in love with the piece and went on to play it around the world. So thanks
to him, Night bird managed to break the rule of oblivion to which by law of nature all the "nows" are subjected and very soon it became a genuine jazz standard.
Of the many "nows" in which Night bird lived on, a special and intense one recorded in duet with Rosario Giuliani on alto sax has been included here as a bonus track: a "now" from the past that deservedly returns to the present or that perhaps, if you prefer, has travelled "from always to now". It is often said that a man's life begins at 40. Who knows if the same goes for jazz albums - naturally, I hope so. In fact, that would mean the fulfilment of the dream/ illusion to which the great Indian poet Tagore alludes in those magnificent verses that I chose to quote on the back cover of the original LP:
"Time doesn't stick, yet still I dream of making my mark on ages to come.”
Enrico Pieranunzi
Track List
1. Night bird E. Pieranunzi
2. Con Alma D. Gillespie
3. A silent essence E. Pieranunzi
4. Le cose come ti ritornano M. Giammarco
5. Song for Edda E. Pieranunzi
6. Poseidia E. Pieranunzi
7. Oleo S. Rollins (piano/drums duet)
8. Night bird E. Pieranunzi & R. Giuliani duo (BONUS TRACK)
Publishing: Edi-Pan - AlfaMusic Studio (Siae)
P 2019 AlfaMusic
© 1978 Edi-Pan
© 2019 Edi-Pan/AlfaMusic
All Rights Reserved
Enrico Pieranunzi piano
Bruno Tommaso bass
Roberto Gatto drums
Maurizio Giammarco tenor sax & soprano
except tracks 2 & 5
Production supervision Fabrizio Salvatore (AlfaMusic)
Graphic design Ettore Festa, HaunagDesign
Cristina Arbunescu, CM PhotoItaly
CD cover and booklet Photos: Roberto Masotti (1978)
Original LP cover by Umberto Santucci (1978)
Translations Tris Bruce
AlfaMusic thanks Giulia Nicolai (Edi-Pan),
Enrico Pieranunzi, Ettore Festa, Roberto Masotti,
Cristina Arbunescu & Matteo Gabrieli.
Recording Data
Recorded on June 9/19/20/28, 1978
Emmequattro Studios, Rome - Italy
Sound engineer Giovanni Fornari
2019 Forward Studios (Hi-Jazz)
Grottaferrata, Rome - Italy
Sound engineers Carmine Simeone, Alessandro Guardia
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