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Artist: Ludovico Rinco     Album: No Strings Attached     Label: Caligola Records     Code: Caligola 2292

No Strings Attached

  • No Strings Attached

  • Ludovico Rinco

  • 25 June 2021

  • Caligola 2292

  • 8033433292928

  • Digital, Jazzos, Caligola Records

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

No tracks downloadable for Guests

  • Total views : 1396

  • Today views : 3

  • Created on : 03 November 2021

  • Total songs : 9

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Caligola Records

Press Release

Ludovico Rinco, born in 1984 in Verona, after studying musicology devoted himself to instrumental music by attending Padua and Rovigo’s Conservatory, but also Siena Jazz workshops. He didn’t content himself with studying the trumpet, but dedicated more and more time to music composition and arrangement. Studying with Marcello Tonolo and Massimo Morganti has certainly helped hone his passion, but equally important for his musical growth was meeting and studying in Rovigo under Marco Tamburini, to whom he dedicated the evocative and intense Sketches of MT.
«No Strings Attached»
, Rinco’s first album as leader, sees him with a group of friends with whom he has musically grown over the past few years, but also with a string quartet, with which he tried to miniaturize a sound as closely orchestral as possible. The trumpeter from Verona proves his interest for musical combinations and the quintet’s structure, where the electric guitar doesn’t have a secondary role, seems to refer to rock from time to time, but always cleverly, with a sense of proportion and much space for the musicians’ improvisations.
If Mucho Mojo and August Rain, with the strings on the foreground, stand out for their slow and majestic spirit, Emanuele Ruggiero’s electric guitar embellishes with Arabian and Spanish flavors the four parts of the Mediterranean Suite, where an excellent, short piano solo by Alberto Lincetto (Shores) acts as a glue. More hypnotic and circular, and because of that extremely evocative, both Solar Wind and Mowing the Purple Lawn pay their tribute to a more nervous and contemporary jazz, like the one played by Bad Plus or EST. Rinco is an excellent trumpeter endowed with a personal sound, round and full, but avoids any concession to instrumental virtuosity. He must be given credit for that.


Track List

1) Mucho Mojo
2) Solar Wind
3) A Day in Tangier
4) Waltz of the Tea Leaves

5) Shores (A.Lincetto) piano solo

6) Le chat noir
7) August Rain

8) Sketches of MT
9) Mowing the Purple Lawn.

Tunes n. 3/4/5/6 make up Mediterranean Suite
All tunes, except where indicated, composed by Ludovico Rinco


Ludovico Rinco (trumpet)
Emanuele Ruggiero (electric guitar, out on 8)
Alberto Lincetto (piano, out on 7)

Marco Storti (double bass)
Stefano Cosi (drums, out on 7)

String Quartet (out on 5)
Stefano Bellettato, Mattia Salin (violin)
Francesco Ferrarese (viola)

Elisa Lazzarin (cello)

Recording Data

Recorded, mixed and mastered at Pink Sound Studio, Padova, Italy, from June to September 2020, by Luca Panebianco.


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