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Artist: Los Musicantes     Album: Los Musicantes     Label: Artesuono     Code: ART003

Los Musicantes

  • Los Musicantes

  • Los Musicantes

  • 15 June 2001

  • ART003

  • 8028958000035

  • Digital,

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 6093

  • Today views : 1

  • Created on : 22 October 2012

  • Total songs : 0

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Artesuono

Press Release

The combination of several musical languages inspired by South American popular music and elaborated in the European quartet tradition has now led to the production of a disc entitled LOS MUSICANTES.
Los Musicantes is the outcome of a collaboration that aimed at combining several musical languages: this experience has always stimulated my work and has been completed thanks to the sincere participation of the involved artists.
In this specific case, the artistic contribution given to me by Leonardo was essential. The materials he provided, his collaboration as an author/composer, and the strong characterisation of the interpretation were the stepping stones from which there began a process of elaboration that carried out a comparison between materials of popular South American inspiration and materials from the European quartet tradition.
I thank Franca for the value she lends to my work, Nicola, Lucia, Elena and Francesca for their sensitivity and professionality... and finally Leonardo for the mark he has left on this project.
Valter Sivilotti

Track List

1. Los musicantes
2. Los mareados
3. Malena
4. Los pajaros perdidos
5. Unicornio
6. Canto negro
7. Caminito
8. Nesta  rua
9. Milonga del que anda por ahì
10. Uno
11. A mi gente
12. Balada para un loco

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