Artist: Modern Times Ensemble Album: connections Label: AlfaMusic Code: AFMCD259
Modern Times Ensemble
23 September 2022
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Created on : 03 May 2022
Total songs : 8
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From: AlfaMusic
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Press Release
ramen dilemma:
Modern Times Ensemble e’ una collaborazione tra artisti internazionali basati a New York, Vienna, London, Pescara, Los Angeles, Denver, Paris, Hamburg, Rome, Zurich.
Durante questo periodo di crisi dovuta al Covid-19, mentre il virus si propagava senza conoscere frontiere, allo stesso tempo cresceva la passione di questi artisti di creare e collaborare al di la’ delle distanze fisiche, dei lock-downs e dalle restrizioni agli spostamenti.
Tutte le composizioni originali (musica e testi) sono di Paolo Montrone fatta eccezione all’omaggio a Donald Fagen con una cover della sua Maxine.
Con la produzione artistica ed esecutiva di Paolo Montrone, il progetto di Modern Times Ensemble e’ cosi’ nato nell’estate 2020 e grazie alle tecnologie digitali oggi disponibili, gli artisti hanno registrato nel proprio studio e collaborato in modo eco-sostenibile esclusivamente on-line.
Vecchie amicizie si sono cosi` solidificate mentre ne sono nate nuove durante il percorso.
La musica di Modern Times Ensemble, forse non facilmente classificabile in un “genere”, ha come filo conduttore melodie, armonie, ritmiche ed arrangiamenti fini e ricercati.
Paolo Montrone: “…I brani spesso prendono strade inaspettate sorprendendo l’ascoltatore, mantenendone vivo l’interesse e coinvolgendolo costantemente nel viaggio musicale e trasportandolo in un ascolto verticale, ovvero in una immersione piu’ profonda negli arrangiamenti e nelle atmosfere che i singoli musicisti hanno saputo tessere cosi’ abilmente”.
E’ stato dato largo spazio alla improvvisazione e alle performance dei solisti, nonostante le registrazioni siano avvenute in remoto, esse risultano sempre spontanee e dinamiche, conferendone l’appropriato senso di immediatezza. La ricerca delle sonorità, e’ un costante punto di riferimento di Modern Times Ensemble che trae ispirazione dalle produzioni senza tempo degli anni ’70, ’80, ’90 dove la maestria e la creativita’ di ogni musicista veniva utilizzata con grande abilita’, sempre al servizio della musica.
Paolo Montrone: “…. La rosa internazionale di questi musicisti e’ di assoluto prim’ordine… E’ certamente stato il coronamento di un sogno il poter collaborare con artisti di questo calibro che hanno dato un apporto inestimabile al completamento di questo progetto musicale… E’ stata una bellissima esperienza, tanto che stiamo gia’ lavorando sul prossimo album”
Il produttore e l’ingegnere hanno limitato l’utilizzo di editing digitale con l’ottica di catturare le performances dei musicisti nella loro originale spontaneita’.
Siamo inoltre estremamente fieri che la musica di Modern Times Ensemble sia stata prodotta in un’ottica di neutralita’ di emissioni Co2 ed che i rispettivi indotti finanziari provenienti da vendite di CD e online saranno devolute al “Malizia Mangrove Project”.
"Boris Herrmann, il noto skipper tedesco che ha completato con successo la piu’ impegnativa regata, la Vendee Globe, ovvero il giro del mondo in solitario, insieme a Mama Earth Foundation ed il suo Team Malizia hanno creato il Mangrove Park nelle Filippine dove grazie a donazioni saranno piantate un milione di mangrovie; ad oggi il team ha gia’ raggiunto quota mezzo milione.
Il Parco quindi genera un’enorme contributo alla preservazione dell’ecosistema, crea opportunita’ per le popolazioni locali e le mangrovie catturano un’alto tasso di anidride carbonica dall’atmosfera.”
Piu’ informazioni
Modern Times Ensemble is a truly unique collaboration with artists from around the world: New York, Vienna, London, Pescara, Los Angeles, Denver, Paris, Hamburg, Rome, Zurich.
During the Covid-19 crisis, as the virus sadly spread throughout the world knowing no geographical borders, so did the musicians’ passion to create and collaborate beyond physical boundaries, lock-downs and travel restrictions.The work on this first album began in the Summer of 2020 when the music, lyrics were written and the musicians began the recording process exclusively via sustainable and eco-friendly on-line collaboration. Old friendships solidified and new friendships were born. All compositions (music and lyrics) by Paolo Montrone except the cover arrangement of “Maxine”, a tribute to the genius of Donald Fagen. Modern Times Ensemble’s music, not so easily classifiable into a specific “genre”, features fine and sophisticated approach to melody, harmony and rhythmic textures.
Paolo Montrone: “… the compositions often take unexpected twists and turns surprising the listener, aimed to maintain an active engagement throughout the musical journey, motivating a vertical listening, or in other words a deeper immersion in the arrangements, nuances and sonic atmospheres the musicians crafted so well…”
The arrangements provide ample spaces for improvisation and solo performances which despite remote recording, always sound fresh, immediate and dynamic. Tonal and sound research is a constant point of reference for Modern Times Ensemble, inspired by the timeless productions of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s where the immense ability and stellar musicianship of the artists, composers, mixing and mastering engineers was always at the service of the music.
Paolo Montrone:” … collaborating with this stellar cast of players on this album has been a dream-come-true experience. They all provided priceless contributions to this project and we all look forward to the next one!”
The producer and engineer limited the use of digital editing, therefore striving to capture each musician’s performance in its freshness and spontaneity as part of the overall ensemble. The goal has been to always record real players/real instruments on each track: no sequencing or audio loops have been utilised in these recordings.
We are proud Modern Times Ensemble is a carbon neutral production.
Modern Times Ensemble is committed to developing and support new technologies and digital platforms to enhance and foster human-to-human musical collaborations within a safe, artistically rewarding and sustainable production process. We aim to accomplish all of this by keeping the musicians, the creativity and our planet at the central core of what we do.
Earnings from the music, including CD sales and streaming, will be devolved towards the Malizia Mangrove Park project.
"Boris Herrmann, the most famous German racing sailor in the world, successfully finished the toughest single-handed regatta in the world, the Vendèe Globe Race 2020. Together with the Mama Earth Foundation, he and his Team Malizia have created the Malizia Mangrove Park in the Philippines / Mati, Davao Oriental. There, through donations, one million mangroves are planned to be planted so far the team have reached half a million mangroves. The Park thus makes an enormously important contribution to the restoration of the ecosystem, provides a better income for the residents and the mangroves bind high amounts of the climate-damaging CO2."
More information
Modern Times Ensemble Website:
Track List
1. News From The World
2. Ramen Dilemma
3. Again, I Forget
4. Still Tomorrow
5. Nero’s Blues
6. Wonder Why
7. Maxine
8. Unmistakably Clear
Music and Lyrics by Paolo Montrone (BMI) except 7 Music and Lyrics by Donald Fagen.
Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae)
Produced by Paolo Montrone for AlfaMusic Label&Publishing
Production coordination for AlfaMusic Fabrizio Salvatore
Ursula Gerstbach Lead Vocals and Vocal Harmonies
Paolo Montrone Music & Lyrics, Guitars, Executive Producer
Arcangelo Trabucco Piano, Rhodes, Keyboards
Adam Alesi Drums and Percussions
Davide Giovannini Drums and Percussions
Itaiguara Brandão Electric Bass
Craig Akin Double Bass, Fretless Electric Bass
Paul Booth Saxophones
Ryan Quigley Trumpet
Trevor Mires Trombone
Jorge Ro Trumpet
Manuel Trabucco Saxophones
Jon-Paul Frappier Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Chris Ott Trombone
Artwork, Graphics, Web Design, CD Sleeve and Video: Robin Montrone, London UK
Album graphic project Mirko Leonardi
Press office Anita Pusceddu (AlfaMusic)
Social Media and Marketing: Sara Maranesi
Recording Data
Mixed and Engineered by Geret Luhr
Assistant Engineer Paolo Montrone
Mastered at Chamaleon Studios, Hamburg by Eike Freese
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