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Artist: Cettina Donato Quartet     Album: Persistency (The New York Project)     Label: AlfaMusic     Code: AFMCD197

Persistency (The New York Project)

  • Persistency (The New York Project)

  • Cettina Donato Quartet

  • 10 March 2017

  • AFMCD197

  • 8032050017051

  • AlfaMusic

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 6642

  • Today views : 2

  • Created on : 24 February 2017

  • Total songs : 8

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: AlfaMusic

Press Release

Persistency (The New York Project) - Cettina Donato Quartet

Cettina Donato piano
Matt Garrison sax
Curtis Ostle double bass
Eliot Zigmund drums

You can do anything you set your mind to,
but it takes action, persistency and facing your fears.
This is the reason why I call my new work Persistency.
Nothing is impossible and we have no limits.
The only limit we have is ourselves.
Everything is set up for all of us.
We just have to believe in ourselves.
I hope you will enjoy the music on this album
because we put our love and heart in to make it.

Cettina Donato

Puoi raggiungere qualsiasi obiettivo tu abbia
programmato ma ci vuole azione, persistenza
e la capacità di guardare in faccia le tue paure.
Questo è il motivo per cui ho chiamato il mio nuovo
progetto Persistency (perseveranza)
perché niente è impossibile e non abbiamo alcun limite.
Noi stessi siamo il nostro limite.
Dobbiamo soltanto credere un po’ di più in noi stessi.
Mi auguro che le musiche di questo album
siano di vostro gradimento perché
sono state realizzate con amore e con il cuore

Cettina Donato

Track List

1. The Sweetest Love 5’21
2. Take It Easy 6’09
3. Think About 6’20
4. Undecided minuet 6’35
5. Persistency 4’11
6. Lawns 4’30
7. Sing a song 5’56
8. Gershwin Dixit 12’06

Total Time 51’34

All composed by Cettina Donato except 6 by Carla Bley
Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae)


Cettina Donato piano
Matt Garrison sax
Curtis Ostle double bass
Eliot Zigmund drums

Produced by Cettina Donato for AlfaMusic Label&Publishing
Production supervisor Fabrizio Salvatore

Cover photo Paolo Galletta
Studio photos Marzio Fulfaro
Graphic project Riccardo Gola

Recording Data

Recordings Systems Two Recording Studios - Brooklyn, NY, USA
Sound Engineer Max Ross
Assistent Andrew Cavaciuti

Mix and mastering AlfaMusic Studio – Rome, Italy
Sound engineer Alessandro Guardia


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