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Artist: Luigi Bonafede feat. Dawn Mitchell     Album: Lokas     Label: Caligola Records     Code: Caligola 2288


  • Lokas

  • Luigi Bonafede feat. Dawn Mitchell

  • 30 April 2021

  • Caligola 2288

  • 8033433292881

  • Digital, Jazzos, Caligola Records

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

No tracks downloadable for Guests

  • Total views : 1653

  • Today views : 4

  • Created on : 25 May 2021

  • Total songs : 9

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Caligola Records

Press Release

 Luigi Bonafede needs no introduction, he’s been a master of Italian jazz for decades and has dispensed good music with generous consistency ever since he accompanied Larry Nocella and Massimo Urbani, played with Flavio Boltro and Pietro Tonolo and therefore led Five for Jazz; he’s stood out as respected and original leader who can get the most out of the musicians who play with him each time.
The pianist from Piedmont is also a skillful composer and refined accompanist of singers as proved by his long collaboration with Rossana Casale. In our case, however, Dawn Mitchell, vocalist of Caribbean descent, is just one of the members of the quintet even if, perhaps, the most important one because «Lokas» seems tailor–made for her unconventional voice which is a little “imperfect” at times but personal and deep, drenched in the blues. Three wonderful veterans of Italian jazz, as well as old friends, saxophonist Gaspare Pasini – who is also the composer of two excellent tunes here, including the hypnotic Balance – double bass player Marco Vaggi and drummer Ferdinando Faraò help complete that wonderful high–end dress. A better crew to face safe and smooth sailing couldn’t be found.
Despite creating different sorts of atmosphere, the nine tracks highlight the strong stylistic consistency of an album to listen to in one breath, where one never feels drop in intensity and not only when the pulsating rhythm intensifies, as in Flash, Looking Around or Running on My Way – the latter spiced up with Caribbean tastes – but also in tenderer ballads like Wake Up or She (by Pasini, again), in songs taking on tones of spiritual (Silently) or declamatory poetry in the style of Abbey Lincoln (Curse of Pan, composed by Mitchell). The last tune Lokas, composed in memory of a late friend, is a superb summary of Bonafede’s original poetics.


Track List

1) Balance (G.Pasini, D.Mitchell, Andre Whiteman)
Wake Up (L.Bonafede, Paola Mei)
Flash (L.Bonafede, D.Mitchell, A.Whiteman)
Curse of Pan (D.Mitchell, A.Whiteman, Dave McFarlane)
Looking Around (L.Bonafede, Anna Moraschi)
Silently (L.Bonafede, Barbara Raimondi)
Running on My Way (L.Bonafede, Francesca Oliveri)
She (G.Pasini, D.Mitchell, A.Whiteman)
Lokas (L.Bonafede, Valentina Vercelli)




Dawn Mitchell (vocals)
Gaspare Pasini (alto and soprano sax)
Luigi Bonafede (piano, keyboards)
Marco Vaggi (double bass)
Ferdinando Faraò (drums)

Recording Data

Recorded at Crossroad Recording Studio, Cologno Monzese (Milano), in March 2019, by Vins De Leo; mixed and mastered at Imput Level Recording Studio, San Biagio di Callalta (Treviso), in July 2020, by Claudio Zambenedetti.




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