Artist: Fabrizio D'Alisera Quartet Album: Crossthing Label: AlfaMusic Code: AFPCD139
Fabrizio D'Alisera Quartet
25 November 2013
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Created on : 16 November 2013
Total songs : 8
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From: AlfaMusic
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Press Release
"Crossthing" - Fabrizio D'Alisera Quartet
Video Trailer:
Fabrizio D’Alisera Tenor and soprano Sax
Enrico Bracco Guitar
Maurizio Perrone Double bass
Mario Lineri Drums
Special Guest:
Max Ionata Tenor Sax
Diciamolo subito: in questo disco si suona Jazz! Tutti i musicisti presenti all’inter- no di questo progetto discografico conoscono il linguaggio del Jazz, elemento discriminante per poter oggi suonare la Musica. Quando sostengo che si suona Jazz e si conosce il linguaggio, voglio intendere che il musicista ha ben assimilato la possibilita` espressiva, estemporanea, melodica e ritmica della Musica stessa. Questa e` la piu` grande eredita` del Jazz, da Bix Beiderbecke a Duke Ellington a Monk o per finire a Jarrett, Corea, ecc.
Ottima la scrittura di D’Alisera che firma diverse composizioni di stampo mo- derno newyorkese, con assoluta cura per il dettaglio ritmico e l’arrangiamento; bel fraseggio “verticale” di un bravo Enrico Bracco che si distingue anche come compositore; sezione ritmica solida ma non per questo dietro le quinte, ma as- solutamente partecipe all’idea musicale! Maurizio Perrone scrive con attenzione armonie interessanti e melodie intense.
Ad impreziosire questo ottimo lavoro discografico la presenza di uno dei miei musicisti preferiti: Max Ionata. Il sassofonista abruzzese e` un profondo conoscito- re del Jazz; e` a suo agio in tutti i contesti e i suoi assolo sono forti, sicuri e vibranti come il suo mondo musicale!
Se fossimo su Facebook metterei senza esitazione “MI PIACE”.
Before I say anything else I wish to point out that on this record you will hear people playing Jazz! All of the musicians who took part in this recording project know the language of jazz, which is a necessary condition for playing Music with a capital “M”. When I say that you will hear people playing Jazz and that they know its language, I mean that these musicians have assimilated all the expressi- ve, extemporaneous, melodic and rhythmic possibilities of this kind of music. This is the great legacy of Jazz, from Bix Beiderbecke, Duke Ellington and Monk, right up to Jarrett and Corea, etc. D’Alisera’s compositional skills are excellent, and many of his original pieces have a modern New York style, with a close attention to rhythmic details and the ar- rangements, beautiful “vertical” phrasing by the skilful Enrico Bracco, who is also distinguished as a composer, and a solid and reliable rhythm section that is ne- ver behind the scenes and that fully participates in the musical ideas expressed! Maurizio Perrone also writes many interesting harmonies and intense melodies with a constant attention to detail.
The presence of Max Ionata, one of my favorite musicians, further embellishes this excellent recording. This Saxophonist from the region of Abruzzo is a genu- ine Jazz connoisseur. He is totally at ease in a whole range of contexts and his solos are strong, secure and vibrant, just like his musical world!
If I was on Facebook I would unhesitatingly click the “Like” button.
Track List
Crossthing - Cd Track list
1 N2 5.45
2 Crossthing 5.25
3 I ain’t got nothin’ but a bicycle 9.31
4 Dear Now 4.34
5 The Whaler 5.47
6 Quarantena 7.04
7 Frame shop 6.28
8 A weaver of dreams 3.01
Total Time 53.42
All compositions by Fabrizio D’Alisera except 6 by Enrico Bracco and 8 by Eliott/Young.
Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae) All Rights reserved.
Fabrizio D’Alisera: Tenor sax - soprano sax (Track 4) Panned left
Enrico Bracco: Guitar (All tracks except tracks 2 and 8)
Maurizio Perrone: Double bass
Mario Lineri: Drums
Max Ionata: Tenor sax (Tracks 1, 2, 4, 5) Panned right
Saxophone arrangements: Fabrizio D’Alisera
Production coordination: Fabrizio Salvatore:
Graphic design: Marie Joveneau HaunagDesign - RomeRecording Data
Recording and mixing:
Jacopo Ruggeri, Monk Studio Segni - Rome
Alessandro Guardia, AlfaMusic Studio - Rome
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