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Artist: Luca Dal Sacco, Matteo Mosolo, Carlo Amendola     Album: Some Funk Punk     Label: Caligola Records     Code: Caligola 2311

Some Funk Punk

  • Some Funk Punk

  • Luca Dal Sacco, Matteo Mosolo, Carlo Amendola

  • 27 May 2022

  • Caligola 2311

  • 8033433293116

  • Digital, Jazzos, Caligola Records

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

No tracks downloadable for Guests

  • Total views : 1146

  • Today views : 1

  • Created on : 29 April 2022

  • Total songs : 10

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Caligola Records

Press Release

«Some Funk Punk» is a project that stems as evolution of the acoustic groove that has always characterized the sound of Luca Dal Sacco and Matteo Mosolo’s Humpty Duo in albums such as «Acoustic Groove», «The Contest Ep», but mainly the latest «Synchronicities» (Caligola) an original interpretation of Sting’s repertoire. To complete the trio the two musicians from Udine invited their friend Carlo ”Charlie” Amendola, one of the most  up–and–coming Italian punk–rock musicians. His precise, personal touch conveys energy, creativity, intensity and groove to the group’s sound. The repertoire is entirely original – all the tunes were composed by Dal Sacco and Mosolo, who play electric guitar and bass in this case – and ranges from electric jazz, or jazz–rock if you prefer, a style of music similar to funk, with songs like Chocobo, After a While or Groovy Wolf, to more intimate and bluesy sounds like those that can be heard in Under the Weather, or even Latin American taste which then becomes fusion in Cozumel. In the album, where John Scofield’s influence is evident, one can also find spells of urban post–punk with rougher, more throbbing rhythm like Odd Balance and Blinding Dance. Since the first listen of «Some Funk Punk», one feels the three musicians’ new–found longing to finally make music together after the restrictions imposed during the pandemic. Such breath of fresh air is a source of pleasure, positive vibes that are all the more necessary in difficult times, such as the ones we’re going though. That’s how Luca Dal Sacco comments on their work: “It’s a project I care much about. Matteo and I have been working on it for several years, but have always put it off because we didn’t feel the right vibes and had yet to find the right drummer to play with us. In the end we tried with an old friend, Carlo Amendola, and everything aligned straight away. The moment was right to record. The influences you can easily hear are from jazz–rock and funk, but our aim was to put as much groove as possible in each track”.

Track List

01) Chocobo
02) After a While
03) Cozumel

04) Blinding Dance
05) Under the Weather

06) Groovy Wolf
07) Holden (Spirit)

08) Funky Mood
09) Deep Sleep

10) Odd Balance

Tunes 1/2/3/6/7/8 composed by Luca Dal Sacco
Tunes 4/5/9/10 composed by Matteo Mosolo


Luca Dal Sacco (electric guitar)
Matteo Mosolo (electric bass)
Carlo Amendola (drums)


Recording Data

Recorded in July, mixed in October and mastered in November 2021 by Simone Cescutti, at FlatPlant Recording Studio, San Daniele del Friuli (Udine), Italy.


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