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Artist: Pedro Makay     Album: Colores     Label: Caligola Records     Code: Caligola 2289


  • Colores

  • Pedro Makay

  • 07 May 2021

  • Caligola 2289

  • 9033433292898

  • Digital, Jazzos, Caligola Records

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 1946

  • Today views : 2

  • Created on : 12 June 2021

  • Total songs : 8

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Caligola Records

Press Release

Born in 1981 and raised in Bilbao, Pedro Makay switched from piano to guitar at 13. During a long trip to Jamaica, where he visited a painter friend of his, he got acquainted with Caribbean rhythms which are still an important source of inspiration for his music, now more than ever varied and contagious. He honed his skills as flamenco guitarist under the guidance of Luis Cortés and at 27 he made his debut with the album «Pedro Makay», benefiting from guitarist Carlos Velasco’s presence. During a South American tour he decided to stop in Buenos Aires where he recorded his second album as leader, «Ojos Negros», in 2010; that project earned him a Latin Grammy Awards nomination the following year. In 2011 he made up his mind to move back to Spain, relocating his base to Madrid, where he intensified his concerts by embarking on several tours in Europe. In 2020 the time was ripe to record eight new compositions, the excellent result of a decade filled with music, exciting encounters and fruitful collaborations, even in the world of jazz, as proven by the trumpet and trombone giving an Afro–Cuban taste to «Colores», the title chosen for this record. American trombonist Norman Hogue, who enriched the sweet and melancholic theme of Vahine no te tiare with his round sound, stands out but Miron Rafajlovic’s explosive trumpet deserves special mention as well; he’s the protagonist of Colores, a song which represents the perfect recap of the album besides titling it. There’s much African sun in the joyful melody of Volveré contigo cuando me quieras, enriched by the voices of Gambian griot Abba Suso and Malian griot Oumou Bah, but also in the hypnotic sing–song of La mosca, featuring Syla Aboubakar. In Caravana, arranged in the style of Ellington, we can listen to another important African guest, Mohammed Elbouzidi, a master of guembri. t’s difficult to label the Spanish singer–songwriter’s music, which seems to belong to the wide category of World Music, a term often misused which actually sounds more than appropriate in his case. It’s a shot of radiant happiness in these particularly dark times anyway. As we think about the colors of Tahitian Gauguin, let’s enjoy the multicolored musical «Colores» of Pedro Makay.

Track List

1) La mosca
2) Volveré contigo cuando me quieras
3) Magdalena de Lavapiés
4) Vahine no te tiare
5) Caravana

6) Tintoreo

7) Rueda la rueda

8) Colores

All songs (music and lyrics) by Pedro Makay


Pedro Makay (vocals, guitar)
Miron Rafajlovic (trumpet)

Norman Hogue & Roberto Lorenzo Elekes (trombone)
Julian Olivares (guitar, tres cubano)
Sergio Fernandez (piano)

Pablo Alfieri (bass)

Pancho Brañas (drums)

Youssouf Sanogo (djembe)

Syla Aboubakar (vocals) on 1/3
Oumou Bah (vocals) on 2/3/4
Nuria Nchama & Abba Suso (vocals) on 2/4
Mohammed Elbouzidi (guembri) on 5

Recording Data

Recorded and mixed at Estudio Uno, Madrid, in 2019, by Pablo Pulido; mastered at PKO Studios, Madrid, in 2020, by Caco Refojo

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