Artist: Pasquale Innarella quartet Album: Migrantes Label: AlfaMusic Code: AFMCD199
Pasquale Innarella quartet
07 April 2017
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Created on : 25 February 2017
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Press Release
Migrantes - Pasquale Innarella quartet
I brani contenuti in questo Cd sono frutto di stimoli, sensazioni e riflessioni
che riportano il mio ricordo di bambino di un piccolo paese irpino del Sud
Italia degli anni ‘60/’70 che ho visto svuotarsi. Ho visto i miei compagni
partire con i loro genitori, con valige e pacchi legati da corde con dentro
la loro storia; emigravano in terre lontane: Svizzera, Germania, Francia,
Australia e Stati Uniti ma anche Milano e Torino dove diventavano “I terroni”
in cerca di lavoro e fortuna. Noi restavamo sempre di meno, le scuole si
svuotavano, la piazza si svuotava, la campagna si svuotava, era un dramma
per chi partiva e per chi restava.
Ora l’emigrazione continua ad avere un sapore amaro e drammatico di
persone che attraversano il Mediterraneo sfidando il mare. La prima meta di
arrivo Lampedusa, oggi è “simbolo di accoglienza” isola che non dimentica
di essere stata terra di emigrazione.
Non c’è mare o muro che possa fermare il desiderio di migliorare la propria
vita! Questo disco infatti è dedicato a tutti quei popoli che sono emigrati e
che continueranno ad emigrare.
Pasquale Innarella
The tracks on this CD are the result of various stimuli, sensations and
refl ections that bring back the memories of my childhood in the ‘60s and
‘70s, when I was growing up in a village near the town of Irpinia in the
Campania region of southern Italy, that I witnessed being abandoned by its
population. I saw many friends of mine departing with their parents, carrying
suitcases and bundles tied with string that contained their life histories. They
emigrated to distant lands such as Switzerland, Germany, France, Australia
and the USA in search of work and fortune, but also to Milan and Turin in the
north, where they were seen as terroni (ignorant and rustic southerners). As
time went on there were less and less of us in my village: the local schools,
the village square and the countryside became increasingly deserted, and
it was a drama for those who departed, as well as for those who were left.
The phenomenon of emigration continues to have a bitter and tragic taste
for those people who dare to cross the Mediterranean sea in search of a
better life. The usual destination of arrival is Lampedusa, an island that is
now seen as a “symbol of welcome”, whose inhabitants have not forgotten
that it too was once abandoned by emigrants.
No sea or wall can stop people’s desire to improve their lives, and this
record is dedicated to all those people who have emigrated and who will
continue to emigrate.
Pasquale Innarella
Track List
1. Oriental Mood2. Indaco
3. Arteteke
4. I go
5. Yekermo sew
6. A quattro piedi
7. Migrantes
8. Night in town
All composed by Pasquale Innarella
except 5 by Mulatu Astatke and 8 by Pino Sallusti
Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae)
Pasquale Innarella saxes
Francesco Lo Cascio vibraphone
Pino Sallusti double bass
Roberto Altamura drums
Produced by Associazione di Promozione Sociale
Le Rane di Testaccio for AlfaMusic Label&Publishing
Artistic production Pasquale Innarella
Production coordinator Fabrizio Salvatore
Cover photo Beniamino Poppiti
Booklet photos Giuseppe Bianco
Graphic project Luca Andreoni
Recording Data
Recording ILR Studio – RomeSound engineer Lucio Leoni
Editing Francesco Lo Cascio
Mix Eugenio Vatta
Mastering AlfaMusic Studio – Rome
Sound engineer Alessandro Guardia
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