Artist: Filippo Vignato Album: Plastic Breath Label: Auand Code: AU9061
Plastic Breath
Filippo Vignato
05 September 2016
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Created on : 05 September 2016
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From: Auand
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Press Release
Il 9 settembre il trombonista Filippo Vignato pubblicherà il suo album
d’esordio da solista per l’etichetta Auand, distribuzione Goodfellas.
‘Plastic Breath’ è stato realizzato con il trio composto dal pianista
francese Yannick Lestra e dal batterista ungherese Attila Gyarfas.
La formazione nasce a Parigi nel novembre 2014 e presenta un universo
sonoro dove acustico ed elettrico si fondono e sovrappongono, dove la
sensibilità improvvisativa dei musicisti ridefinisce in tempo reale la
narrazione musicale, mai uguale a se stessa ed in continuo divenire.
Spingendosi di continuo verso l’inaspettato e l’imprevedible, i tre
agiscono collettivamente in un disinvolto dialogo tra jazz
contemporaneo, rock e improvvisazione radicale.
E’ lo stesso Vignato che nelle note di copertina parla di Plastic
Breath: “respiro che diventa plastico, scolpito e tridimensionale
attraverso la note di uno strumento a fiato ed ancora muta in
artificiale, distorto e plastificato attraverso filtri, effetti,
alterazioni elettroacustiche. Il nostro pensiero e le nostre orecchie
che scolpiscono lo spazio-tempo sotto forma di frequenze, vibrazioni,
Ancora, Plastic Breath è una metafora per descrivere ciò che più ci
sta a cuore in quanto musicisti improvvisatori: la materializzazione
delle idee musicali. Li immaginiamo come respiri che prendono forma:
plastic breaths.”
On September the 9th, 2016, Italian trombonist Filippo Vignato releases his debut album on Auand. ‘Plastic Breath’ features french
pianist Yannick Lestra on fender rhodes and Hungarian drummer Attila Gyarfas. The three musicians got together in Paris in 2014 and the
they play following a continuous dialogue between electric and acoustic, melting and filtering the pure sound of the instruments with
effects and live electronics. Moving fast through contemporary jazz, rock and radical improvisation, they search through the music for the
unexpected and the unpredictable.
It’s Vignato himself who talks about Plastic Breath in the liner notes: “a breath that becomes plastic, sculpted and three-dimensional
through the notes of wind instruments and muted in artificial, distorted and laminated through filters, effects and electroacoustic
alterations. Our thoughts and ears sculpt the spacetime in the form of frequencies, vibrations and sound. Finally, it’s about what most
concerns us as musicians and improvisors: the materialization of musical ideas. We see them as plastic breaths.”
Trombonist, improviser, composer and arranger, Filippo Vignato was born in Northern Italy in 1987.
He graduated summa cum laude at the CNSM of Paris and he’s nowadays conducting an intense performing and recording activity in Italy and
around Europe as a sideman and as a leader.
He is active in different fields of jazz and improvised music, embracing contemporary music, free jazz and world music.
In September 2016 he released ‘Plastic Breath’ his first album as a leader alongside French pianist Yannick Lestra on fender rhodes and Hungarian drummer Attila Gyarfas. He leads also ‘Elongate’, a duo with Enzo Carniel on piano about the music of Albert Mangelsdorff. His
music or the music he performs is often broadcasted by Italian national radio RadioRai3.
He is part of the ‘Giovanni Guidi Rebel Band’ of ECM artist Giovanni Guidi.
With the band OMIT FIVE got first prize as best band at Barga Jazz Contest 2011 and at Premio Delle Arti 2011 of MIUR. Also got the ‘Best
Soloist Prize’ at the Barga Jazz Contest 2011.
From 2011 he is playing in various projects of sardinian reeds and traditional instruments player Enzo Favata, including ‘The New Village’, featuring the sardinian vocal quartet ‘Tenores di Bitti’.
In 2008 founds with the fellows Frank Martino, Stefano Dallaporta and Diego Pozzan the electro- jazz quintet MOF QUINTET with whom they
record the albums ‘Embarrassing Days’ (2009) and ‘Fried Generation’ (2013).
He played in the most well known clubs an festivals in Italy (Umbria Jazz, Umbria Jazz Winter, Time in Jazz Berchidda, Fano Jazz, Fiemme
Ski-jazz, Venezia Jazz, Veneto Jazz, Young Jazz Foligno, Festival di Nuova Musica di Macerata, Jazz Club Ferrara, Padova Jazz Club, Roma
Casa Del Jazz, Villa Celimontana Jazz Festival Cross- Roads Emilia Romagna, Festambiente Sud, Narni Black Festival, Alghero Jazz tra gli
altri) and in Europe, like Festival Jazz à la Villette (Paris), Hear Palmer (Bordeaux), Jazz sous les Pommiers (Coutances), Edinburgh Jazz
Festival (Scotland), Valijevo Jazz Fest (Serbija) , Bimhuis (Amsterdam) among the others.
As a sideman he has worked for: Giovanni Guidi, Rosa Brunello, Alfonso Santimone, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Piero Bittolo Bon, Vinko Globokar,
Enzo Favata, Tommaso Cappellato, Glauco Venier, Roberto Spadoni, Gemma Farrell, Michele Corcella, Lionel and Stephane Belmondo, Enzo Carniel,
Ada Montellanico, Vincent Le Quang, Hervé Sellin, Zeno de Rossi.
He played all over Italy and in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbija, Russia, The Netherlands and
Track List
01 The meeting02 Lev & Sveta
03 Red sky hymn
04 Provvisorio
05 Other each
06 Windy
07 Square bubbles
08 Stop this snooze
09 Microscopy
Filippo Vignato - trombone, efxsYannick Lestra - fender rhodes, bass synth, efxs
Attila Gyarfas - batteria, percussioni
Recording Data
Produced by Filippo VignatoExecutive Producer: Marco Valente
Recording: Paris France & Budapest Hungary
Engineer: Valèrian Langlais
Cover Photo: Giacomo Frison
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