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Artist: FRANCESCA BIAGI     Album: FRANCES' FOLLIES     Label: AlfaMusic     Code: AFPCD136




  • 03 December 2012

  • AFPCD136

  • 8032050013022

  • Digital, Jazzos, AlfaMusic

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 8718

  • Today views : 2

  • Created on : 05 November 2012

  • Total songs : 11

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: AlfaMusic

Press Release

Vi piacerebbe trovare tutte insieme le star dell’epoca d’oro del jazz, del musical, del teatro e del cinema americano? E’ un’impresa tosta, che vi costringerebbe a un complicatissimo collage di film, video, dischi, spettacoli e ricordi forse anche dei vostri nonni, ma niente paura: se volete assaporare quelle atmosfere ci pensa Francesca Biagi con il suo Frances’ Follies, cioè questo album. Gia leader e vocalist delle Boop Sisters, è un’appassionata di buon vecchio swing americano e per oltre un anno ha lavorato fra Italia e Stati Uniti a un progetto che rende appunto omaggio al teatro, al jazz e al cinema made in Usa ed è dedicato alle carriere di tante famose star, da Ella Fitzgerald a Judy Garland, da Lena Horne a Fred Astaire, da Fanny Brice a Ruth Etting, con brani di Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Kalmar & Ruby e altri grandi compositori. E, elemento importantissimo, Francesca ha studiato i sapori e gli spettacoli di allora per un’operazione che non è assolutamente nostalgica, bensì frutto della passione per parole e note che fanno da  sempre parte della storia della buona musica. Al completo di una ricca band (special guest il bandleader, banjoista e musicista Lino Patruno)  Biagi offre un appuntamento a tutto swing che riunisce canzoni diventate famose a Broadway, negli spettacoli di vaudeville, nelle Ziegfeld Follies degli anni ’20 e ’30 e, ovviamente, in decine di film passati alla storia, e lo ha fatto rispettando i profumi e i dettagli di quell’epoca. Ha frugato per mesi dappertutto, oltre che nella musica, per procurarsi vestiti e contorni ad hoc ideali per le sue performance dal vivo, ed è persino riuscita a recuperare (per le foto che illustrano il suo sito e per le sue locandine)  uno di quegli antichi microfoni che hanno il ”nocciolo” sospeso con un lungo elastico messo a raggiera all’interno di un  anello di metallo: roba da Guglielmo Marconi o giù di lì, però quando ci canta funziona benissimo. Prendete il cd, fatelo partire e chiudete gli occhi. Vi sembrerà incredibile che in un periodo provvisorio, confuso e cafone come questo possa succedere qualcosa di così elegante.

Fabrizio Zampa



Would you like to meet all the stars of the golden age of American jazz, the musical, theatre and cinema? This might sound like an almost impossibly complicated undertaking, and at the very least you would have to put together a collage of films, videos, records, shows and maybe even your grandparents’ memories to come anywhere close to realising it. But never fear! If you want to rediscover and enjoy these rarefied moods from another time Francesca Biagi has already done it for you in this album entitled Frances’ Follies. The ex-leader and vocalist of Boop Sisters is passionately keen on good old-fashioned American swing and for over a year she has worked in Italy and the United States in order to realise a project that pays homage to the theatre, jazz and cinema of the USA and that is dedicated to the careers of many famous stars, such as Ella Fitzgerald, Judy Garland, Lena Horne, Fred Astaire, Fanny Brice and Ruth Etting, featuring marvellous songs by Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Kalmar & Ruby and other great composers. The exceptional thing is that Francesca has also carefully studied the styles and the flavours of the shows and performances of the period, with an attitude that is not at all nostalgic, but that expresses her genuine passion for the words and the notes that have always been a necessary part of the history of all truly great music. With a fully-equipped band (featuring the bandleader and banjo player Lino Patruno as special guest) Biagi offers us an encounter with swing that brings together some of the most famous songs that first appeared on Broadway, in vaudeville shows, in the Ziegfeld Follies of the ‘20s and ‘30s, as well as in dozens of movies that have made motion picture history, and she always does this in a spirit of respect for the specific elements that recreate the particular atmospheres of the time. She has conducted in-depth research for months, not only in the field of music, in order to find the right clothes and period details for her live performances, and she has even managed to uncover (for the photos that illustrate her site and the posters for the concerts) a period microphone with the transducer element suspended upon radial elastic threads inside a metal ring. It looks like it might have been invented by someone like Guglielmo Marconi, but it still works a treat for the singer and it certainly looks great. So put this CD on your stereo and close your eyes. You will hardly believe your ears that in this present period of constant change, confusion and superficiality something so elegant could possibly be created!

Fabrizio Zampa


Track List

Frances’Follies – Francesca Biagi

1-Three Little Words                                         (B. Kalmar - H. Ruby)
2-Top Hat White Tie And Tails                          (I. Berlin)
3-Some Like It Hot                                           (A. Deutsch)
4-I May Be Wrong                                            (H. Sullivan - H. Ruskin)
5-I’d Rather Be Blue Over You                         (B.Rose-F.Fisher)
6-Let’s Make Love                                            (J. Van Heusen - S. Cahn)
7-Get Happy                                                     (H. Arlen - T. Koehler)
8-Nevertheless                                                 (B. Kalmar - H. Ruby)
9-My Heart Belongs To Daddy                         (C. Porter)
10-By Myself                                                     (A. Schwartz - H. Dietz)
11-Shaking The Blues Away                             (I. Berlin)


Francesca Biagi, vocals

Attilio Marzoli, tenor sax

Adriano Urso, piano

Guido Giacomini, double bass

Riccardo Colasante, drums

Special guest: Lino Patruno, guitar in “Nevertheless” e “Three Little Words”.

Francesca Biagi, Attilio Marzoli and Riccardo Colasante, chorus in “Shaking The Blues Away”

Production Coordinator: Fabrizio Salvatore

Recording Data

Recordings, Mix and Mastering: AlfaMusic Studio (Roma)

Sound engineer: Alessandro Guardia


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