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Artist: Ileana Mottola     Album: SIXTIES MOOD     Label: AlfaMusic     Code: AFMCD286



  • Ileana Mottola

  • 27 October 2023

  • AFMCD286

  • 8032050023250

  • Digital, AlfaMusic

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 881

  • Today views : 6

  • Created on : 03 November 2023

  • Total songs : 8

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: AlfaMusic

Press Release



The single: WHENEVER YOU  feat. Benny Benack III


L’ invenzione del Soul viene comunemente attribuita a Ray Charles che fonde il lamento del Gospel con il trascinante impeto del Rhythm and Blues.

Il Soul si afferma come musica nera per eccellenza dai ’60 in poi e ben presto contamina anche il Jazz. Gli anni sessanta come terreno fertile per nuovi innesti stilistici. Il quintetto caratterizzato dalle sonorità dell’organo Hammond, strumento che vive la sua consacrazione proprio in quel periodo, e dall’ostinata ritmicità dei fiati propone una selezione di brani che ben rende la suddetta fusione di generi. L’aggiunta di testi a temi notoriamente strumentali e di un brano inedito “in the Sixties mood” spoglia il lavoro da una rischiosa banalità ed al contrario lo veste di una non scontata originalità.




The invention of Soul is commonly attributed to Ray Charles, who fused the wailing of Gospel with the driving rush of Rhythm and Blues. Soul established itself as the quintessential black music from the 1960s onward and soon contaminated Jazz as well. The 1960s as fertile ground for new stylistic graft. The quintet characterized by the sounds of the Hammond organ, an instrument experiencing its consecration in that period, and the obstinate rhythmicity of the woodwinds offers a selection of songs that well renders the aforementioned fusion of genres. The addition of lyrics to notoriously instrumental themes and of an unreleased track "in the sixties mood" strips the work of a risky banality and on the contrary dresses it with an unassuming originality. 

Track List

1) Gravy Waltz (Ray Brown/Steve Allen)

2) Hallelujah I Love Her So (Ray Charles)

3) Soul Bossa Nova (Quincy Jones)

4) Sermonette (Cannonball Adderley)  

5) Whenever You … (Ileana Mottola)                                        

6) Money In The Pocket (Joe Zawinul)

7) What’d I Say (Ray Charles)

8) I Can't Stop Loving You (Don Gibson)

Publishing track 5: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae)


Produced by Ileana Mottola for AlfaMusic Label&Publishing

Production coordination Fabrizio Salvatore (AlfaMusic)


Ileana Mottola voice


Jerry Popolo sax 

Alessandro Tedesco trombone 


Antonio Capasso (Caps) Hammond organ

Elio Coppola  drums

Special Guests:

Benny Benack III trumpet and voice (Halleluja I love her so, Sermonette), trumpet (Whenever you, Gravy waltz, Soul Bossa)

Jim Rotondi trumpet (I can't stop loving you, What I'd say)

Itai Kriss flute (Soul Bossa)

Special guest BIOS:


Benny Benack

Jim Rotoli

Itai Kriss 




Ileana Mottola

Alessandro Tedesco (brass arr.)


Cover art and Ileana Mottola phothos Benedetto Battipede  

Recording Data

Recording and mixing Studio Megaride Sound, Varcaturo (NA)

Sound engineer Lello De Luca


Mastering AlfaMusic Studio, Rome


Sound engineer Alessandro Guardia



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