Artist: Bob Hill Album: Inside A.MA Volume 2 Compilation Compliled by Bob Hill Label: A.MA Records A.MA Edizioni Code:
Inside A.MA Volume 2 Compilation Compliled by Bob Hill
Bob Hill
29 January 2021
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Created on : 26 February 2021
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Press Release
Welcome to the 2nd in the series of Inside A.MA compilation albums curated by Bob Hill (The Return of the Illicit Groove and Totally Wired Radio) which explores the extensive and innovative back catalogue of A.MA Records.As with Volume 1 this is designed to be a track list of two sides; Side 1 very much a nod to the Jazz- Dancers and Side 2 taking a more relaxed and intricate approach with a variety of tempos. Both sides compliment each other in a ten track journey for the senses, for the mind and for the body. As Bob says,' music is all about physicality and all about emotional responses. Either side of this tracklist can engender a sense of well-being with the excellent Jazz that has been selected. Taken as a whole it is a journey and taken as individual tracks it becomes whatever the listener or dancer wants it to be.'Inside A.MA volume 2 is a digital only release and available on Bandcamp via the A.MA Records page where you can also find volume 1 of the series as well as digital, CD and/or vinyl releases of the albums from where these tracks were selected.Track List
1. Paolo Achenza 4 – Settimo Continente
Taken from "Branches"
2. Avishai Daresh – Jajouka
Taken from "Sanskara"
3. Bruno Salicone – L'Attesa
Taken from "Happy"
4. Fabio Tullio – Mr Crohn
Taken from "Tales From Within"
5. Luca Cacucciolo Quartet "Sgramma"
Taken from "New Life Grows"
Side B
1. Antonio Trinchera – Joy Drops
Taken from "Next Move"
2. Boots On Roots – Notte Innaspettata
Taken from "Back To The Earth"
3. Davide Peluso – Sonora
Taken fron "The Blue Zone"
4. Gianluca Viglia – Suerte!
Taken from "Plastic Estrogenus"
5. Alberto Parmagiani – Night Rite
Taken from "On My Radio"
A.MA Records A.MA Edizioni
Recording Data
released January 29, 2021More Albums From A.MA Records A.MA Edizioni
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