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Artist: Filippo Vignato     Album: HEIDELBERG - Live at Enjoy Jazz     Label: Auand     Code: AU5007-08

HEIDELBERG - Live at Enjoy Jazz

  • HEIDELBERG - Live at Enjoy Jazz

  • Filippo Vignato

  • 17 July 2020

  • AU5007-08

  • 8031697500810

  • Jazzos, Auand

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

No tracks downloadable for Guests

  • Total views : 2475

  • Today views : 2

  • Created on : 29 June 2020

  • Total songs : 7

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Auand

Press Release

Heidelberg - Live at Enjoy Jazz è il nuovo album del trombonista Filippo Vignato insieme al suo trio europeo, in uscita il 17 luglio 2020 per Auand.

Registrato dal vivo all’Enjoy Jazz Festival ad Heidelberg, Germania, nell’ottobre 2018, l’uscita coincide con il quinto anniversario della band, fondata nell’autunno 2014 e composta dal leader al trombone ed effetti, dal francese Yannick Lestra al Fender Rhodes e sintetizzatori e dall'ungherese Attila Gyarfas alla batteria ed elettronica.

Il nuovo lavoro arriva a tre anni di distanza da Plastic Breath, pluripremiato album d’esordio dell’ensemble e contiene l’intero concerto dal vivo, registrato con eccellente qualità audio nella speciale atmosfera dell’ex edificio industriale ‘Betriebswerk’, ora adibito a sala concerti.

7 tracce per circa 75 minuti di musica dove i tre musicisti, spingendosi costantemente verso l’imprevedibile, agiscono in un disinvolto dialogo tra ballads psichedeliche, groove ipnotici e improvvisazione radicali.

Una release unica nel suo genere, prodotta unicamente in versione LP doppio vinile in edizione limitata con packaging gatefold stampato in fine-art e le grafiche curate dalla pluri-premiata graphic designer polacca Marta Gawin.

L’album è disponibile per spedizioni in tutto il mondo su,, sulla pagina BandCamp di Auand e presto in tutte le maggiori piattaforme di streaming.




Heidelberg - Live at Enjoy Jazz is the new album of Italian trombonist Filippo Vignato European trio, to be released on July 17th, 2020 by Italian avant-garde label Auand.

Recorded live at the Enjoy Jazz Festival in Heidelberg, Germany in October 2018, this special issue celebrates the fifth anniversary of the band, founded in 2014 and featuring the leader on trombone and effects, Yannick Lestra from France on Fender Rhodes and synths and Attila Gyarfas from Hungary on drums and electronics.

This new chapter comes 4 years after the release of Plastic Breath, the multi-awarded debut album of the ensemble and it contains the entire live concert beautifully captured in the mesmerizing acoustics of former industrial building ‘Betriebswerk’ used as a concert-hall by the festival.

7 tracks for about 75 minutes of music where the three musicians, constantly pushing themselves towards the unexpected and the unpredictable, act collectively in a breezy dialogue between spacey ballads, hypnotic grooves and radical improvisation.

A one-of-a-kind release, only available as Limited Edition Double Vinyl LP in a beautiful fine-art printed gatefold pack designed by the awarded Polish graphic designer Marta Gawin.

The album is now available for worldwide shipping at Auand BanCamp page,,, and soon available on all major streaming platforms.


Filippo Vignato trombone, effects
Yannick Lestra Fender Rhodes, synths
Attila Gyarfas drums, electronics

Recording Data

Produced: Filippo Vignato
Executive Producer: Marco Valente
Recorded live at the Enjoy Jazz Festival in Heidelberg, Germany in October 2018
Cover Photo: Marta Gawin

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