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Artist: Francesco Polito     Album: trip     Label: AlfaMusic     Code: AFSM109


  • trip

  • Francesco Polito

  • 29 May 2020

  • AFSM109

  • 8032050020105

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  • Total views : 3951

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  • Created on : 10 April 2020

  • Total songs : 10

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  • From: AlfaMusic

Press Release

TRAILER "Back in Town"


TRIP e’ l’album di debutto di Francesco Polito come solista.

Un  viaggio di cui fanno parte le esperienze musicali vissute negli anni tra Napoli, la band di famiglia, le collaborazioni con vari artisti italiani ed in Rai, le differenti sonorita’ acquisite grazie agli incontri con tanti artisti sia in Italia che in numerose altre parti del Mondo ed ancora la passione sin da piccolo per lo “smooth jazz”.

L’idea di realizzare questo lavoro esiste da sempre ed ha preso corpo negli anni anche grazie alla possibilita’ di vivere il mondo smooth jazz piu’ da vicino. Infatti oltre ad essere stato influenzato da sassofonisti come Boney James, Dave Koz, Kirk Whalum, Eric Darius, Richard Elliot, Euge Groove, Najee, Jeff Kashiwa e molti altri, Francesco Polito ha avuto la possibilita’ di assistere a performance dal vivo e seminari di alcuni di loro in Florida ed in giro per il Mondo su navi da crociera dove, durante alcuni periodi della sua vita ha partecipato come musicista a varie crociere tematiche: smooth jazz, blues e bossanova.

TRIP, un lavoro dalle sonorita’ ed influenze smooth jazz inevitabilmente contaminato dalla nostra cultura, dalla nostra melodia e da quello che noi siamo ed esprimiamo: il nostro essere italiani e mediterranei.


Un ringraziamento a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione di questo album a partire da mio padre Enzo Polito grande musicista ed arrangiatore, a Roberto Polito per la produzione artistica  e naturalmente per le bellissime Batterie ed a tutti i miei amici e fantastici artisti: Beppe Polito, Massimo Romano, Frank Marino, Luigi Gaetani, Silvio De Filippo, Gianfranco Cloralio.

Grazie agli amici di AlfaMusic Fabrizio Salvatore ed Alessandro Guardia per credere in questo mio progetto.

Francesco Polito


Trip is my first album as soloist.

A journey that includes my musical experiences over the years between Naples, the family band, collaborations with some Italian artists and with Rai TV; the different sounds acquired thanks to the meetings with many artists in Italy and around the world; and the passion since my early ages for the smooth jazz genre.

The idea of ​​creating this piece has always existed and has taken shape over the years thanks to the possibility of experiencing the smooth jazz world closely.  In fact, my music is influenced by the style of saxophonists such as Boney James, Dave Koz, Kirk Whalum, Eric Darius, Richard Elliot, Euge Groove, Najee, Jeff Kashiwa and many others and I also had the opportunity to attend live performances and seminars of some of them in Florida and on cruise ships where I worked as a musician for a period of my life. There I have the chance to partecipate to smooth jazz, blues and bossanova cruises.


TRIP is a smooth jazz album inevitably contaminated by our culture, our melody, what we are and how we express ourselves : as Italians and mediterranean people. 



Thanks to all of those whom contributed to the realization of this album starting from my father Enzo Polito, great musician and arranger, to Roberto Polito for the artistic production and for the beautiful drums and to all of my friends and fantastic artists: Beppe Polito, Massimo Romano, Frank Marino, Luigi Gaetani, Silvio De Filippo, and Gianfranco Cloralio.

Thanks to my AlfaMusic friends Fabrizio Salvatore and Alessandro Guardia for believing in this project.

Francesco Polito


1 TRIP (Francesco Polito/Vincenzo Polito)

Francesco Polito: Tenor Sax & Section

(Tenor/Alto/Soprano Sax)

Enzo Polito: Keys, Rhodes, Hammond,

Synth Strings

Roberto Polito: Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Silvio De Filippo: Guitar

2 IN YOUR EYES (Francesco Polito/Vincenzo Polito/Roberto Polito)

Francesco Polito: Tenor Sax & Section

(Tenor/Alto/Soprano Sax)

Enzo Polito: Keys, Rhodes, Hammond,

Accordion, Synth Strings

Roberto Polito: Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Gianfranco Cloralio: Guitar

3 JUST WOKE UP (Francesco Polito/Vincenzo Polito)

Francesco Polito: Tenor Sax & Section

(Tenor/Alto Sax)

Enzo Polito: Keys, Rhodes, Piano, Synth

Bass & Synth Strings

Roberto Polito: Percussion

Beppe Polito: Drums

4 MARTINA (Francesco Polito)

Francesco Polito: Tenor Sax & Section

(Tenor/Soprano Sax)

Enzo Polito: Keys, Rhodes, Hammond,

Accordion, Synth Strings

Roberto Polito: Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Gianfranco Cloralio: Guitar

Massimo Romano: Guitar

5 FREEDOM (Francesco Polito/Vincenzo Polito)

Francesco Polito: Tenor Sax & Section

(Tenor/Alto Sax)

Enzo Polito: Keys, Rhodes, Piano, Synth Strings

Roberto Polito: Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Massimo Romano: Guitar

6 MIDNIGHT IN DUBAI (Francesco Polito/Vincenzo Polito/Roberto Polito)

Francesco Polito: Tenor Sax & Section

(Tenor/Alto Sax)

Enzo Polito: Keys, Rhodes, Synth Strings

Roberto Polito: Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Silvio De Filippo: Guitar 

Massimo Romano: Guitar

7 MEDITERRANEAN NIGHTS (Francesco Polito/Vincenzo Polito/Roberto Polito)

Francesco Polito:

Tenor Sax & Section (Tenor/Alto Sax)

Enzo Polito:

Keys, Rhodes, Hammond, Synth Strings

Roberto Polito:

Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Silvio De Filippo:

Acoustic Guitar

8 SUMMER MEMORIES (Francesco Polito/Vincenzo Polito)

Francesco Polito:

Tenor Sax & Section (Tenor/Alto Sax)

Enzo Polito:

Keys, Rhodes, Synth Strings

Roberto Polito: Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Massimo Romano: Guitar

9 BACK IN TOWN (Francesco Polito/Vincenzo Polito)

Francesco Polito:

Tenor Sax & Section

(Tenor/Soprano Sax)

Enzo Polito:

Keys, Rhodes, Hammond,

Synth Strings

Roberto Polito:

Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Massimo Romano: Classic Guitar Solo

Silvio De Filippo: Acoustic Guitar

10 A TESTA IN GIÙ (Pino Daniele)

Francesco Polito:

Tenor Sax

Enzo Polito:

Keys, Rhodes, Hammond, Accordion

Roberto Polito: Drums & Percussion

Frank Marino: Bass

Silvio De Filippo: Guitar 


Track List

1 - Trip 5:13

2 - In Your Eyes 4:34

3 - Just Woke Up 4:24

4 - Martina 5:07

5 - Freedom 5:31

6 - Midnight in Dubai 3:54

7 - Mediterranean Nights 4:55

8 - Summer Memories 4:33

9 - Back in Town 5:26

10 - A Testa in Giù 3:49


Total time 47:49


Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio & Pera Marcia - (Siae) except 10

All composed by Francesco Polito (see details inside booklet)

except 10 by Pino Daniele




Artistic Production Francesco Polito & Roberto Polito

Executive Production Enzo Polito

for Pera Marcia Music & AlfaMusic Label&Publishing

Production Coordination

Fabrizio Salvatore & Alessandro Guardia

for AlfaMusic Label & Publishing


Arrangements Enzo Polito

Francesco Polito endorses Drake Mouthpieces.


Photos Nicola Rosciano

Officine Fotografiche (Salerno)


Graphic project Mirko Leonardi




Recording Data

Recording: FarmStudio, Teggiano (Salerno)

Sound engineer Luigi Gaetani

Saxes Recordings and complete album Mix: MR Recording Studio, (Salerno)

Sound engineer Massimo Romano



Mastering: AlfaMusic Studio, Rome

Sound engineer: Alessandro Guardia