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Artist: Andrea Gomellini Quintet     Album: The Gift     Label: A.MA Records A.MA Edizioni     Code:

The Gift

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  • Created on : 23 March 2020

  • Total songs : 8

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  • From: A.MA Records A.MA Edizioni

Press Release

 Il catalogo A.MA Records si arricchisce di una nuova presenza, quella del chitarrista Andrea Gomellini, un musicista che ha studiato a Los Angeles per poi tornare in madrepatria, nella sua città natale, Roma, a cercare di farsi strada. La sua creatività che pesca a piene mani in un modo di suonare che si fa fortemente influenzare dalla mentalità che detta legge a New York e, di conseguenza, in tutto il mondo: farsi le ossa sulla tradizione cercando di sviluppare la propria personalità ma senza scantonare da certi dettami che da sempre fanno parte delle “regole” – se così possiamo chiamarle – dell’idioma afroamericano, e quindi lo swing e il groove. Questo è il suo terzo disco da leader e il suo flirt con la mentalità statunitense è da subito ben evidente non solo nella musica ma anche nella scelta dei collaboratori: ascoltare il suo album d’esordio “Four In Monk con la tromba del Dott. Eddie Henderson per rendersene conto. The Gift è un lavoro in cui l’amore per la melodia e la conoscenza del lessico del jazz vanno insieme in una maniera molto vicina a quella cosa che tutti siamo abituati a chiamare “equilibrio”. The Gift si distingue per la sua compattezza , per la sua gradevole orecchiabilità, per l’affiatamento di un quintetto arricchito dalla presenza di Simone Alessandrini al sax alto, di Danilo Ballotta al pianoforte, di Jacopo Ferrazza al contrabbasso (secondo classificato al Top Jazz quest’anno nella categoria “miglior nuovo talento italiano) e di Valerio Vantaggio alla batteria.

 Roman guitarist and composer, Andrea Gomellini, began studying classical guitar at an early age, before going on to learn the language of blues and then embracing whole-heartedly the world of jazz. Listening to this lovely album, it’s clear to hear all of his musical learnings and history rolled into one well-rounded, matured musical offering. Gomellini has successfully taken elements of different genres of music and crafted his own highly listenable and engaging guitar style. His compositions and playing are predominantly jazz based on this recording, with a silky-smooth feel and sound creating a beguiling and relaxed atmosphere.“The Gift” is a quintet album and a very good one at that. The guitarist is joined by some quality musicians on this session; Simone Alessandrini on alto saxophone, Jacopo Ferrazza on double bass, Danilo Blaiotta on piano, and Valerio Vantaggio on drums. As a combined unit the five-piece work wonderfully together, producing an album of skillfully executed contemporary jazz that stands alongside some of the best European ensembles out there at the moment.The aptly titled opener “Hidden Treasure” is just that. There’s a charming nature to much of this album, and the lyrical freshness and melodically embracing approach of this opening tune sets the tone for the whole album. Light and breezy, with solos shared out between guitar, sax and piano, it’s a riveting opener. The title track benefits from a lush late-night jazz vibe that oozes class. One of the things I really like about this album is how guitarist Gomellini, along with pianist Blaiotta, seem to share an intuition that allows them to intertwine their solos, bouncing improvised momentary ideas off one another, “Il Dono Di Euterpe” being a great example of this. Tunes like “Labyrinth “ are well-crafted with some delightful and often surprising touches, melodies building up with some very nice hooks and motifs keeping me attentively interested. The album as a whole has a satisfying flow to it, with each tune adding something new to the journey of discovery. The oddly titled “N1” and N3” feature some great soloing from everyone involved, and “Lost Treasure” highlights Gomellini’s guitar style particularly well. My only reservation about the track-listing is the inclusion of the foot-tappingly upbeat “J&G”, not a bad tune in itself, just a little out of context for me, compared to the thoughtful approach played out on the rest of the album.A splendid release from the A.MA label, “The Gift” is a well-crafted, absorbing album. None too challenging, yet eminently listenable, it’s one of those recordings you can just turn on and enjoy.

Mike Gates UK Vibe Magazine


Track List

Hidden Treasure

The Gift

J.& G.

Lost Treasure




Il Dono di Euterpe



Andrea Gomellini        Guitar

Danilo Blaiotta             Piano

Simone Alessandrini   Sax Alto

Jacopo Ferrazza         Double Bass

Valerio Vantaggio        Drums 

Recording Data

Recorded at R&B Recording Studio May/June 2018


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