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Artist: Mr. Rencore + Tim Berne     Album: Intollerant     Label: Auand     Code: AU9024


  • Intollerant

  • Mr. Rencore + Tim Berne

  • 15 April 2011

  • AU9024

  • 8031697902423

  • Digital, Jazzos, Auand

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 8341

  • Today views : 3

  • Created on : 09 February 2012

  • Total songs : 7

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Auand

Press Release

The first time I listened to Gabrio Baldacci it was in the Petrella's Cosmic Band in 2007, then I suddenly tried to get in contact with him with the purpose of knowing if he had something composed by him I could listen to. After a while, we  succeeded in realizing this album, taking advantage of a commission of the Acqua Vitae festival in Bari.
Mr. Rencore was assembled in 2006 and was the result of the musical fellowship that Gabrio and the drummer Daniele Paoletti had: a natural and almost unavoidable consequence after 15 years spent playing any genre. The music by Mr. Rencore appears like a shake of the experiences of the two musicians from Livorno: from rock to folk, from free improvisation to circular and hypnotic beats. An omnivorous instinct matured in a long time in rehearsals venues, shared by the two artists from the beginning of their musical history.
From 2009 another musician from Livorno, Beppe Scardino, joined the group. His bass reeds perfectly fit to the Mr. Rencore music, to the dark lyricism in some Baldacci's compositions, to the rhythmic hardness of rock.
In the threeo timbric possibilities are amplified and the music gains more freedom.
The collaboration with Tim Berne gives a surplus value to this work. He is a fondamental musician, one of the most influential in the last years and his contribution to the recording of Intollerant appears astonishing.


Tim Berne - alto sax
Beppe Scardino - baritone sax, bass clarinet
Gabrio Baldacci - baritone guitar, bass, loop, efx
Daniele Paoletti - drums

Recording Data

Produced by Mr. Rencore
Executive Producer: Marco Valente
Recording: Sorriso studio, Bari, Italy
Engineer: Tommy Cavalieri

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