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Artist: Federica Colangelo | Acquaphonica     Album: chiaroscuro     Label: AlfaMusic     Code: AFPCD168


  • chiaroscuro

  • Federica Colangelo | Acquaphonica

  • 16 September 2016

  • AFPCD168

  • 8032050016191

  • Digital, Jazzos, AlfaMusic

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 7597

  • Today views : 2

  • Created on : 04 July 2016

  • Total songs : 6

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: AlfaMusic

Press Release

Chiaroscuro è un percorso nato dal desiderio di ricreare in musica quei contrasti caratteristici dell’arte figurativa. Ho sempre vissuto la musica come un processo di conoscenza e di scoperta dinamica, in costante divenire. Questo continuo moto evolutivo si nutre di elementi provenienti da mondimusicali diversi; quando avviene l’incontro tra musiche di diverse origini, si crea quella musica di ‘confine’, che contiene i contrasti caratteristici del chiaroscuro pittorico. Le composizioni che si trovano su quest’album sono una fotografia della mia esperienza musicale fino ad oggi, dai primi anni di formazione pianistica classica, al jazz, al recente interesse per la KarnaticMusic (musica classica dell’India del Sud). Questo percorso mi ha portato a sviluppare le idee, i modi di scrivere, di strutturare i brani e ad approcciare l’improvvisazione che hanno dato vita a Chiaroscuro. Invito l’ascoltatore a lasciarsi andare a questo racconto attraverso i sei brani del disco.

Federica Colangelo


My musical and artistic tendencies were evolving long before they were in my direct consciousness. When learning classical music as a young pianist I particularly loved Bartok, Gershwin and Stravinsky. When visiting an art gallery my gaze always fellon the work of the modern and contemporary artists, Escher, Chagall, Daliand Picasso. Throughout my jazz studies my respect for the lineage of great players was always balanced by my attraction to the musical borderlands, where the jazz tradition is refracted by contemporary and world music. The perception of jazz as a process rather than a fixed object, and a culturalas well as a purely musical phenomenon, constantly informs my playingand composition. The music on this album, rather than trying to fit into a conventional generic box, aims to draw together threads from diverse genres. With all this in mind I invite the listener then to let go of any preconceptionsand let the listening experience of the music guide their enjoyment of it.

Federica Colangelo

Track List

1 In Bilico 5.40

2 Graphic Work 6.54

3 Chiaroscuro 5.42

4 Expanding 6.32

5 Croma 7.09

6 Contemporary Solution 5.29

Total Time 37.44

All composed by Federica Colangelo

Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae)


Federica Colangelo piano and compositions
Joao Driessen soprano saxophone
Matthijs Tuijn acoustic guitar
Mihail (Misho) Ivanov double bass
Kristijan Krajncan drums and small percussions

Produced by Federica Colangelo for AlfaMusic Label&Publishing

Production supervision: Fabrizio Salvatore

Cover photo: Beniamino Poppiti

Photos: Regina Kelaita

Translation: Huw Rees

Graphic project: Luca Andreoni

Recording Data

Recordings: Fattoria Musica, Osnabruck (Germany)

Sound engineer: Stephan van Wylick

Mix and Mastering: AlfaMusic Studio – Rome

Sound engineer: Alessandro Guardia

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