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Artist: Eddie Beho     Album: Secret Stash     Label: AlfaMusic     Code: AFMCD273

Secret Stash

  • Secret Stash

  • Eddie Beho

  • 08 September 2023

  • AFMCD273

  • 8032050023021

  • Digital, AlfaMusic

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 1573

  • Today views : 2

  • Created on : 04 August 2023

  • Total songs : 7

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: AlfaMusic

Press Release

Eddie Beho è un chitarrista e compositore americano (nato a Sarajevo ed attualmente residente ad Atlanta) jazz fusion e blues; ha collaborato con band come Indexi, 4th Ward Afro-Klezmer Orchestra, Ujrdurma Balkanish e molti altri. È uno dei membri fondatori dell'affermata band jazz di Atlanta Sataraš Quartet.

Eddie è cresciuto suonando blues, R&B, jazz, klezmer e fusion; ha studiato con i maestri jazz Dave Frackenpohl, Allen Hinds e Jon Herington (Steely Dan) e fa parte della scena musicale di Atlanta e del sud-est degli Stai Uniti da molti anni. Il suo costante obiettivo si identifica nella gioia di suonare dal vivo con musicisti che lo ispirano condividendo con loro la ricerca della migliore forma improvvisativa per il raggiungimento di un suono quanto più originale e forte possibile, sia on stage che in studio di registrazione.

Eddie trae ispirazione da grandi nomi della musica come i chitarristi John Scofield, Wayne Krantz e Michael Landau, John Coltrane, Lee Morgan e Wayne Shorter e band come Steely Dan e Weather Report.


Nell’ aprile 2022 Eddie inaugura la collaborazione con il bassista Dragan Rokvić e il batterista Amar Češljar per la produzione del suo nuovo album “Secret Stash” che riassume magistralmente le influenze e gli idiomi della musica blues, jazz fusion che ha Eddie ha affinato durante il suo viaggio musicale con la sua chitarra.

Durante i quattro giorni trascorsi presso il rinomato Pavarotti Studio (Mostar, BiH) i musicisti hanno inciso i brani rigorosamente dal vivo avvalendosi di alcuni sovraincisioni minime a completamento del master finale. L’album, mixato e masterizzato dal famoso produttore musicale John Paterno ("Mr. Meticulous"), comprende sei brani nuovi di zecca, incluso "Dink's Song" brano tradizionale/folk americano realizzato con l’utilizzo di una “chitarra resofonica” (resonator guitar) solista.


Eddie Beho is an American (Sarajevo-born) jazz fusion and blues guitarist and composer with an Atlanta address who has performed and recorded with bands such as Indexi, 4th Ward Afro-Klezmer Orchestra, Ujrdurma Balkanish, and many others. He is a founding member of the established Atlanta jazz band Sataraš Quartet. Eddie grew up playing blues, R&B, jazz, klezmer, and fusion; has studied with jazz masters Dave Frackenpohl, Allen Hinds, and Jon Herington (Steely Dan); and has been a part of the Atlanta and south-east music scene for many years. His driving musical motivation is the joy of playing live with people who inspire him, and when improvisation and spontaneity develops a sound bigger than the players on stage. He draws inspiration from musical greats such as guitarists John Scofield, Wayne Krantz, and Michael Landau; horn players John Coltrane, Lee Morgan, and Wayne Shorter; and bands such as Steely Dan and Weather Report.

In April of 2022 Eddie teamed up with bass player Dragan Rokvić and drummer Amar Češljar to lay down his bluesy, jazz/heavy fusion opus “Secret Stash” which gives a resume of all the influences and idioms he has refined over his musical journey with the guitar.  

Over the course of four days, they recorded tracks in a live studio setting with minimal overdubs at the renowned Pavarotti Studio (Mostar, BiH). Mixed and mastered by the famous music producer John Paterno (“Mr. Meticulous”), the set list features six brand new songs and a solo resonator guitar rendition of the traditional American folk song “Dink’s Song”.

The wonderful team from Italian jazz label AlfaMusic believed in the project and followed through to make this album happen.  

Track List

1.    While You Were Putting Your Make up On

2.    Tight Dress, High Heels

3.    Society Isolation

4.    Dink’s Song

5.    3  

6.    Not The Same Man

7.    Memo Delivered


All song written by Eddie Beho other than “Tight Dress, High Heels" (Rokvic/Beho), “Society Isolation” (Cešljar/Beho), "Dink’s Song" (traditional) and “Not The Same Man” (Rokvic).




Produced by Eddie Beho for AlfaMusic Label&Publishing

Production coordination (for AlfaMusic)

Fabrizio Salvatore & Alessandro Guardia


Album Photo (front) Steve Eberhardt

Album Photo (back) Mladen Blagojevic

Graphic project Maurizio Capuano

Recording Data

Recorded at Studio Pavarotti - Mostar, April 2022.

Studio Personnel: Saša Karabatak (engineer),

Adin Saric (assistant engineer)


Overdubs and Dink’s Song Recorded by:

Djani Pervan at Pervan Studios


Mixing and Mastering John Paterno

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