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Artist: Luca Zennaro     Album: Altera limes     Label: Caligola Records     Code: Caligola 2322

Altera limes

  • Altera limes

  • Luca Zennaro

  • 20 January 2023

  • Caligola 2322

  • 8033433293222

  • Digital, Jazzos, Caligola Records

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

No tracks downloadable for Guests

  • Total views : 997

  • Today views : 2

  • Created on : 28 December 2022

  • Total songs : 6

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Caligola Records

Press Release

Luca Zennaro is just under 26 and this is already his third album as a leader for our label, which follows by almost three years "When Nobody Is Listening" (Caligola 2274). But the guitarist from Chioggia, also has recorded as co-leader of Hackout! Trio. with Manuel Caliumi and Riccardo Cocetti. “Altera Limes” suggests an expansion beyond our usual way of seeing and feeling things. The majority of songs don’t have a conventional development unlike those we are used to listening to. In these tracks musical thoughts alternate according to dynamics which are influenced by various elements, from the interplay between the musicians to their talent in suggesting the rhythm, from the themes which alternate to the harmonic ambiguity of the compositions. The acoustics of the venue where the recording took place played a significant part in the project’s quality as well. This album was recorded entirely live in the 15th century Santa Caterina church in Chioggia (Venezia).

Track List

1) Langsamer
2) Distanza
3) Involved
4) Let’s Cool One (Thelonious Monk)
5) Camporovere
6) On Thursday (Phelan Burgoyne)

All compositions, unless otherwise noted, by Luca Zennaro


Luca Zennaro (electric guitar)
Francesco Bordignon (double bass)
Phelan Burgoyne (drums)

Recording Data

Live recorded at Santa Caterina Church, Chioggia (Venezia), Italy, on May 10, 2022; mixed and mastered in September 2022; sound engineers Ivano Boscolo Nata and Roberto Songini

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