Artist: R. Cecchetto / A. Fabbri / D. Grechi Espinoza / S. Onorati Album: Are You Standard? Label: Caligola Records Code: Caligola 2297
Are You Standard?
R. Cecchetto / A. Fabbri / D. Grechi Espinoza / S. Onorati
17 September 2021
Caligola 2297
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Created on : 05 February 2022
Total songs : 7
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From: Caligola Records
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Press Release
The first email our friend Dimitri Grechi Espinoza sent inviting us to listen to this recording tapes dates back to November 2012. That improvised quartet with no double bass enthused us straight away: we listened to that master Cd plenty of times, but we forgot it in a drawer. We stumbled upon it almost by chance during the recent lockdown and, when we played it, it sounded even more beautiful than it did back then, as fresh and fascinating as the first time. Seven tracks in all: five standards reinterpreted by a quartet and one played by the saxophone only, plus a long, solitary improvisation by Dimitri. In that empty theater, with no audience, a kind of magic began that would have been difficult to foresee just little earlier. It was because of the creativity of these four musicians that, despite having different artistic backgrounds, were friends and members of the Barga Jazz Orchestra conducted by Bruno Tommaso. The already mentioned Grechi Espinoza on alto sax, Stefano Onorati on piano, Roberto Cecchetto on electric guitar and Alessandro Fabbri on drums rehearsed that very day with the big band under the strict conduction of Tommaso. Giancarlo Rizzardi, heart and soul of Barga Jazz Festival (the only contest in Italy dedicated to orchestral arrangements) underlined well the following in the liner notes written shortly before his passing: “one may think that this work is, apart from anything else, partly the result of the reaction to the strict discipline established by the orchestra during the rehearsals”. He goes on to write more about that impromptu session that started during one of the breaks of the big band: “what is striking in this record is the feeling of total freedom conveyed by the four musicians who, despite acting imaginatively and, apparently, with nothing premeditated, achieve successful teamwork”. The common ground could not but be built of standards, all played with much sensitivity and constant fantasy while improvising: that is the reason why, almost twenty years later, they still sound extremely enjoyable, precious gems that only the inexhaustible mine of jazz can give us.
Track List
1) My Romance (Richard Rodgers)
2) All the Things You Are (Jerome Kern)
3) Solitude (Duke Ellington)
4) Here’s That Rainy Day (Jimmy Van Heusen)
5) Body and Soul (Johnny Green)
6) Days of Wine and Roses (Henry Mancini)
7) In Your Solitude (D. Grechi Espinoza)
Dimitri Grechi Espinoza (alto sax)
Roberto Cecchetto (electric guitar)
Stefano Onorati (piano)
Alessandro Fabbri (drums)
Recording Data
Recorded on 23rd June 2004 at Teatro dei Differenti, Barga (Lucca), Italy, by Francesco Ciarfuglia and Cristiano Toroioli; analog mastering in May 2021 at Digitalsound Studio, Vedelago (Treviso), Italy, by Walter Bertolo.
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