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Artist: Cecilia Sanchietti Jazz Project     Album: Circle Time     Label: AlfaMusic     Code: AFPCD152

Circle Time

  • Circle Time

  • Cecilia Sanchietti Jazz Project

  • 30 March 2015

  • AFPCD152

  • 8032050015125

  • AlfaMusic

  • No covers downloadable for Guests

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  • Total views : 8719

  • Today views : 1

  • Created on : 23 February 2015

  • Total songs : 10

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: AlfaMusic

Press Release

Circle time - Cecilia Sanchietti Jazz Project

Cecilia Sanchietti: drums
Davide Grottelli: saxophones
Gaia Possenti: piano
Stefano Napoli: double bass

Special guest: David Boato: trumpet and flugelhon


Note di copertina
di Dario Zigiotto

Umanità in tempo dispari, come dire musica e
società; binomio che quando interrotto rivela
tutto il disagio cosmico di questo nostro pianeta
perennemente in bilico.
Ecco dunque una splendida intuizione
progettuale e artistica, perché dietro c’è un’idea
e, cosa ancor più importante, un sentimento
aperto: un’espressione di umanità dove la
libertà del jazz attrae i legami sociali e accoglie
le diverse identità, accennando solo come
un pretesto narrativo a un jazz tribale ma, in
realtà virtuoso, trasgressivo - e perciò civile -
fortemente contemporaneo; oltre le sue origini,
quando era storicamente la musica espressione
di dolore e sfruttamento.
Un tema, questo, circolare nel tempo della storia
e il tempo, qui sviluppato dalle ritmiche sul tema
musicale, fa circolare tutti gli assoli dei musicisti
mettendo in chiaro la perfetta adesione al titolo
di questo progetto artistico; che alterna colori,
momenti ed atmosfere in un linguaggio armonico
e universale, quale la musica è (e dovrebbe
continuamente essere).
“Circle Time” è intriso di un jazz antropologico
che sogna un nuovo umanesimo cosmopolita
e qui, almeno musicalmente, utopicamente



Cover Notes
by Dario Zigiotto

Humanity in odd time signature, as well as
saying music and society. When this combination
is apart, it reveals the universal unease of our
planet perpetually hanging in the balance.
This is a superb artistic intuition, because it has
a project underneath and, even more important,
it is expression of a genuine sensitivity and
humanity: the freedom in jazz improvisation
creates a center of attention for social
connections and welcomes different identities.
It makes use of a storytelling device, by hinting
to a tribal jazz, which is actually virtuous,
transgressive – and therefore civilized – strongly
contemporary, it goes beyond its origins, when
music was expression of pain and oppression.
The theme is circular as the time of the history,
and the time is here developed by the rhythm,
which allows all musicians to perform solos in a
circular way, showing the perfect match with the
name of this artistic project, which mixes colors,
moments and atmospheres in an harmonic and
universal language, such as music is (and always
should be).
“Circle Time” is permeated of an anthropological
jazz, that dreams of a new and culturally diverse
humanism which, through the music, is here
ideally integrated.


Track List

1 Intro the Groove (Cecilia Sanchietti)
2 Dance For G (Stefano Scatozza)
3 Et-NO (Cecilia Sanchietti, Federica Zammarchi)
4 Witchi Tai To (Jim Pepper)
5 Fotogramma (Cecilia Sanchietti, Federica Zammarchi)
6 Circle Time (Cecilia Sanchietti)
7 Cecilia e i Misteri dell’Armonia (Federica Zammarchi)
8 Dance of the Elephants (Davide Grottelli)
9 Rosa (Hamilton de Holanda)
10 Stolen Sleep (Cecilia Sanchietti, Federica Zammarchi)

Total Time 50.50

Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae) except 4 and 9


Cecilia Sanchietti: drums
Davide Grottelli: saxophones
Gaia Possenti: piano
Stefano Napoli: double bass

Special guest: David Boato: trumpet ? flugelhorn ???

Michele Martino: percussions and choir ?
Mara Rinaldi: lead vocal and choir ?

Produced by Cecilia Sanchietti for AlfaMusic Label & Publishing
Production supervision: Fabrizio Salvatore (AlfaMusic)

Recording Data

Recording, mix and mastering: R&B Recording Studio - Civitavecchia (Rome)

Recording sound engineer: Paolo De Stefani

Editing: Federica Zammarchi

Mix and mastering sound engineer: Massimiliano Rosati


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