Artist: Swallow / Talmor / Nussbaum Album: Singular Curves Label: Auand Code: AU9040
Singular Curves
Swallow / Talmor / Nussbaum
02 August 2014
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Created on : 19 August 2014
Total songs : 13
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From: Auand
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Press Release
In a recent, extensive review of Singular Curves (Auaund)--the new record from the trio of bassist Steve Swallow, saxophonist Ohad Talmor and drummer Adam Nussbaum--New York Times jazz critic Nate Chinen lauded the three for their "easy chemistry...that gives 'Singular Curves' its claim to singularity". Chinen not only spoke of the record's merits on its own terms, but also situated the group amidst the history of the saxophone-bass-drums trios dating back to Sonny Rollins' Live at The Village Vanguard records from the late 1950s. Chinen notes that, "Within those parameters, ev en a tweak can feel like a push against established precedent", and cites Mr. Swallow's idiosyncratic electric-bass stylings as a main force behind the groups unique sound and approach. Chinen strikingly concludes his review by stating that, "trios usually call up triangular metaphors, so the suggestion of curvature in this album's title feels like a subtle subversion".
The review in The New York Times is, however, only one in a string of such high praise that Singular Curves has been receiving since its release date earlier this month:
"Though the trio values subtlety and suggestion, fine-grained interplay and formal exploration, they can stir up a ruckus when the mood hits" -
The New Yorker
"Singular Curves is an adept addition to the tradition of two of the format’s great masters, Sonny Rollins and Lee Konitz (a frequent Talmor collaborator)". -
The Boston Globe
"Singular Curves is the antithesis of a blowing session. The tunes are often built on simple riffs, slowly developed and tossed back and forth. " -
The New York City Jazz Record
"Singular Curves is not the work of a trio looking to change jazz, but render its classic style with assured expertise. Arguably, they do it and more importantly, they don’t overdo it." -
Something Else!
"With their expert handling of powerfully understated compositions, this trio’s performances insinuate themselves into your mind and age there like fine wine. Singular Curves‘ version of “Carolina Moon” has been sailing through my head for days." - Boston arts blog Artsfuse
Track List
01 It Did02 Ups and Downs
03 Carolina Moon
04 Get Lost
05 Then Again
06 Meli Melo
07 Now Four 2
08 7 Things
09 Parallel Fifths
10 Flight to Missoula
11 Anything You Want
12 Warp
13 You Go to my Head
Steve Swallow electric bassOhad Talmor tenor saxophone
Adam Nussbaum drums
Recording Data
Produced by S. Swallow, O. Talmor & A. NussbaumExecutive Producer: Marco Valente
Recording: Mountain Rest Studios, New Paltz, NY – USA
Engineer: Jay Anderson
Cover Photo: Jeff Preiss
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