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Artist: Messina, Signorile     Album: Banaba     Label: Auand     Code: AU6007


  • Banaba

  • Messina, Signorile

  • 06 May 2016

  • AU6007

  • 8031697600725

  • Jazzos, Auand

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  • Total views : 6525

  • Today views : 2

  • Created on : 24 May 2016

  • Total songs : 11

  • Total comments : 0

  • From: Auand

Press Release

Il pianista Mirko Signorile e Marco Messina (99 Posse) intrecciano i suoni dei loro tasti in “BANABA”, disco elettro-jazz ricco di featuring nei negozi dal 6 maggio per Auand Records (distr. Goodfellas)

Dalle intersezioni nasce ogni geniale novità. Anche la musica risuona dagli incroci e genera crossover. Quando il sound elettronico, fatto da pulsanti, leve e pomelli, si intreccia con le melodie create con i tasti di un pianoforte, liberi di saltare sopra e sotto le righe tese dal synth, allora si rompono schemi e definizioni, per sperimentare nuove dimensioni elettro-jazz. MESSINA SIGNORILE sono esploratori di nuove forme di vita e pulsioni del suono.
Come in una primordiale e fraterna alleanza, Marco Messina dei 99 POSSE e il pianista internazionale Mirko Signorile condensano insieme la loro energia ritmica e poesia sonora nel progetto discografico “BANABA”, nei negozi dal 6 maggio 2016 per Auand Records con il supporto di Puglia Sounds e distribuito da Goodfellas e Believe.
“BANABA” è una miscela di suoni e voci per 11 tracce, realizzate con la preziosa collaborazione di artisti importanti di calibro internazionale: Ursula Rucker, Black Cracker, Erica Mou, Juliana Maruggi, Vertere String Quartet.
Da dicembre 2015 ad anticipare l’album c’è la primissima traccia “Breathing” con la magnetica voce della straordinaria Ursula Rucker. Da aprile 2016 arriva un altro singolo, “Dust”, fatto di toni inquietanti dal gusto metropolitano e cantato dal rapper americano Black Cracker sugli archi dei Vertere String Quartet.


Italian pianist Mirko Signorile and 99 Posse’s Marco Messina weave the sound of their own keys together in “BANABA”, their new electro-jazz guest-filled album, out on May 6 on Auand Records (distributed by

Intersections are where every brilliant innovation is. Here is where music echoes, generating crossover. When an electric sound made up of buttons, levers, and knobs meets with a piano melody, free to jump
above and below the synth lines, the frame is broken, and so are the definitions. The time has come to experiment a new electro-jazz dimension. MESSINA SIGNORILE explore new forms of life and sound

As in an ancient and brotherly alliance, 99 POSSE’s Marco Messina and Italian pianist Mirko Signorile condense their rhythmic energy and sound poetry in “BANABA”, out on May 6, 2016 on Auand Records, supported by Puglia Sounds and distributed by Goodfellas and Believe.

“BANABA” is an 11-track blend of sounds and voices made with the invaluable collaborations of important and internationally renowned artists, such as Ursula Rucker, Black Cracker, Erica Mou, Juliana
Maruggi, Paolo Fresu and Vertere String Quartet.

In December 2015, the very first track “Breathing” anticipated the album and featured Ursula Racker’s amazing voice. A second single was released in April 2016, “Dust”: a disturbing urban-like track
featuring rapper Black Cracker and Vertere String Quartet.

Track List

01. Dust (4:11)
02. Spanish Shuffle (4:04)
03. Breathing (3:27)
04. Marcuse (5:52)
05. Iblis (4:48)
06. Seven Clan (6:06)
07. Love Share (5:31)
08. Banaba (5:44)
09. Into the woods (4:28)
10. Macubal (4:48)
11. Under the Bridge (3:52)


Marco Messina elettronica
Mirko Signorile pianoforte, piano elettrico

Black Cracker rap in #1 / Ursula Rucker vocals in #3 / Vertere String Quartet in all tracks except #3,8
Erica Mou vocals in #5 / Juliana Maruggi vocals in #7 / Danilo Vigorito additional production in #7 / Paolo Fresu trumpet in #10

Recording Data

Strings and piano recorded at Officina Musicale, Castellana Grotte (BA) – Italy on July 31 and August 1, 2013 by Giuseppe Saponari and Giuseppe Mariani
Piano on # 3,7 recorded by Nicola Farina between December 2015 and February 2016
#9 contains samples taken from Barbara De Dominicis’ voice

Mixed at Katanga Studio, Napoli by Marco Messina between February and April 2016
Love Share, Macubal and Seven Clan mixed at Katanga Studio, Napoli by Marco Messina and Danilo Vigorito

Mastered at Beauty Farm Sound, Napoli by Danilo Vigorito on April 2016

Produced by Marco Messina and Mirko Signorile
Executive producer: Marco Valente
Cover images extracted from a video by Loredana Antonelli
Graphic design: Cesco Monti
Press office: Raffaella Tenaglia, Pixie Promotion

BANABA thanks Paolo Fresu, Ursula Rucker, Black Cracker, Erica Mou, Vertere Sting Quartet, Juliana Maruggi, Locus Festival, Ninni Laterza, Bass Culture, Alessio Bertallot, Mario Melillo.

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